The Marvel Cinematic Universe is growing at an extraordinary rate. The success of each movie and show guarantees more and more titles centered around characters who might not be as famous as others, giving fans a chance to see people they’ve loved since childhood. With Phase Three coming up and bringing with it Doctor Strange , Black Panther , Captain Marvel and Inhumans , it’s a great time to look at other heroes and heroines who should get their due in future phases.
Guardians of the Galaxy really took off, so it seems only smart that Nova, Richard Rider, get a spin-off of his own. It’d be great if he could get his own movie, perhaps something that focuses on the challenges the Nova Corps face, but even a TV show focused on the Nova Corps and starring him would suffice. In one of his comic storylines, Nebula attacks Xander. A project in which Karen Gillan reprises her role could really shine.
Squirrel Girl
Squirrel Girl is quite possibly the Marvel series’ longest running joke. She’s a strange, yet beloved character. While she might not be capable of carrying an entire movie on her own, she certainly deserves to be part of one of the future Marvel Cinematic Universe installments. A more comedic adventure would suit her, and maybe it could be a means of introducing the Great Lakes Avengers.
The alternate reality series in which Gwen Stacy ends up becoming bitten by a radioactive spider and becoming Spider-Woman has been a successful line for Marvel. We’ve seen a number of Spider-Man reboots and origin stories in the movies. One with Gwen as the lead would offer a fresh take on the mythos for young women looking for a heroine to look up to.
Adam Warlock
With the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s focus on the Infinity Gems, Adam Warlock is going to have to make an appearance. After all, he has the Green Soul Gem. A movie centered on him could act as a follow up to Avengers: Infinity War and show the future of the Infinity Gems within the universe.
Movies centered on The Hulk alone haven’t always performed so well, as he tends to be better in an ensemble cast. She-Hulk, on the other hand, would be able to carry a movie. Something that looks at both elements of her life, the one in which she’s a capable lawyer and the other where she’s one of the strongest characters in the Marvel Universe, would allow for a compelling narrative and give the company a chance to bring her into The Avengers movies if need be.
Cloak and Dagger
Cloak and Dagger would work as an entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe because a movie starring the two would cover so many elements. It’s dramatic, in that the two runaway teenagers are experimented on until Cloak gains the power of darkness and Dagger the power of light. There’s romantic tension, as the two only have each other to depend on. Plus, it would guarantee plenty of action, as the two work as vigilantes throughout the series.
The Cast of Runaways
Runaways seems like a perfect fit for a movie. A group of teenagers with abilities discover their parents are villains and go out of their way to rebel and turn good. A Runaways movie was even planned and has a script, but nothing’s come of it yet. The story of these kids deserves to be told.