



Mega Man 2 Cheats & Cheat Codes

An in-game screenshot from Mega Man 4.

Mega Man 2 Cheats & Cheat Codes

Mega Man 2 Summary

First released back in 1988, Mega Man 2 is the sequel to the critically acclaimed Mega Man. Staring at the titular Mega Man once again. This 2D platformer’s gameplay is much like the first one. You control Mega Man, or Rock, through the stage. Along the way, you have to dodge various traps and hazards, like spikes, and defeat enemy robots. Much like the previous game, you were free to pick whatever stages you wanted, in whatever order. Unlike the previous game though, it was modified to be less difficult. Along with two new difficult settings, the player also got a new password setting, E-Tanks, and more!

An in-game screenshot from Mega Man 4.

©Screenshot from Mega Man 4

As expected, Mega Man 2 received critical and commercial success. Selling over 1.5 million copies worldwide. To this day, Mega Man 2 is one of the most popular games on the market. And given that it’s a 40-year-old game, that is saying something.

Mega Man 2 Premise

This game follows a similar plot to the first game. Doctor Wily has returned, and he once again aims to control the world. To do this, he has created multiple robot masters, and in return, Dr. Light has sent out Mega Man to stop them. Once again, Mega Man must fight for everlasting peace!

Mega Man 2 Main Characters 

  • Mega Man: Mega Man is once again out to save the world. Formerly a lab assistant named Rock, he is now a fighting machine, and he has dedicated himself to protecting humanity. He’s blue, cool, and all too ready to take these robots to school!
  •  Doctor Light: Doctor Light is a scientist who created Mega Man as a means to fight against Doctor Wily’s forces. The two of them used to be friends, but now, they are enemies.
  •  Doctor Wily: Doctor Albert W. Wily is the main antagonist of the game. He is the scientific rival to Doctor Light, looking to conquer the world using a robot army. Again. To be fair, it almost worked the first time.
  •  Metal Man. Ah, the infamous Metal Man and his metal blades which can cut better than a lightsaber.
  •  Air Man. He can unleash giant gusts of wind from his fans. Sure would suck if something got caught in them though.
  •  Bubble Man. He launches bubbles! Built for underwater combat, this aquatic master isn’t so good against electricity though…
  •  Quick Man. The fastest of the Robot Masters. Man, he’s quick, if only Mega Man could stop him in his tracks somehow…
  •  Crash Man. A robot man with drills for hands. He’s not too good at close-range combat, but he’s also pretty dangerous at long-range.
  •  Flash Man. The robot who can stop it all. Flash man fights in the name of love, and time control.
  •  Heat Man. He may look like a box, but this little guy burns hotter than the sun. If only there was some way to pop his bubble…
  •  Wood Man. Unlike the other robot masters, he is made entirely out of wood. Is he even a robot then? Regardless, he’s as weak as cuts and fire. I mean, he is made out of wood. Poor guy.

Mega Man 2 Titles of Video Games in the Series 

So, for this list, we are only listing the classic Mega Man games and not including X, Zero, or others that place in an alternate timeline. Such as Starforce, or Mega Man Battle-network. 

  • Mega Man (1987)
  • Mega Man 2 (1989)
  • Mega Man 3 (1990)
  • Mega Man: Dr. Wily’s Revenge (1990)
  • Mega Man 4 ( 1991)
  • Mega Man 5 (1992)
  • Mega Man 6 (1994)
  • Mega Man: The Wily Wars (1994)
  • Mega Man 7 (1995)
  • Mega Man 8 (1997)
  • Mega Man Legends (1997)
  • Mega Man & Bass (2002)
  • Mega Man 9 (2008)
  • Mega Man 10 (2010)
  • Mega Man 11 (2018)

Mega Man 2 Cheat Codes

As one might expect from a Mega Man game, there are a lot of cheats.

0 E-TanksA1
1 E-TankA2
2 E-TanksA3
3 E-TanksA4
4 E-TanksA5
Air Man stage clearedB2
Air Man stage not clearedE1
Bubble Man stage clearedD5
Bubble Man stage not clearedD2
Crash Man stage clearedD4
Crash Man stage not clearedB1
Flash Man stage clearedC5
Flash Man stage not clearedB3
Heat Man Stage clearedC1
Heat Man stage not clearedE4
Metal Man stage clearedB4
Metal Man stage not clearedE5
Quick Man Stage clearedC3
Quick Man stage not clearedD3
Wood Man stage clearedE2
Wood Man Stage not clearedC4
Air Man DefeatedA1, B5, C3, C4, D5, E1, E2, E3, E4
All weapons, items, bosses defeatedA5, B2, B4, C1, C3, C5, D4, D5, E2
Bubble Man DefeatedA5, B2, B3, B4, C3, C4, D4, D5, E4
Crash Man DefeatedA2, C1, C4, C5, D1, E1, E2, E4, E5
Flash Man DefeatedA2, C2, C5, D1, D2, D3, D4, E1, E2
Heat Man DefeatedA5, B2, B3, B4, C1, C3, C4, D4, D5
Metal Man DefeatedA2, B1, C2, C5, D1, D2, D4, E1, E4
Quick Man DefeatedA3, B1, C1, C2, C5, D1, E2, E3, E5
Start with Max Energy TanksA5, B1, B3, C4, D2, D3, E1, E4, E5
Wood Man DefeatedA1, C3, C4, D2, D3, D5, E1, E2, E4
Air Man DefeatedA1, B5, C3, C4, D5, E1, E2, E3, E4
Air Man with 4 tanksA5, B2, D2, B1, B3, E4, E5, D3, C4
Air Man, Crash Man, and Flash Man Defeated, 1 Energy TankA2 C1 C2 C4 C5 D1 E1 E2 E4
Bubble Man with 4 tanksA5, E1, D5, B1, B3, E4, E5, D3, C4
Bubble Man DefeatedA5, B2, B3, B4, C3, C4, D4, D5, E4
Crash Man DefeatedA2, C1, C4, C5, D1, E1, E2, E4, E5
Crash Man with 4 tanksA5, E1, D2, D4, B3, E4, E5, D3, C4
Dr. Wily with 1 tanksA2, E4, D2, D1, C2, B3, B1, B5, D4
Dr. Wily with 2 tanksA3, E5, D3, D2, C3, B4, B2, C1, D5
Dr. Wily with 3 tanksA3, E5, D3, D2, C3, B4, B2, C1, D5
Dr. Wily with no tanksA1, E3, D1, C5, C1, B2, E5, B4, D3
Dr. Wily’s Castle (with all weapons/energy tanks)A5, B2, B4, C1, C3, C5, D4, D5, E2
Flash Man DefeatedA2, C2, C5, D1, D2, D3, D4, E1, E2
Flash Man with 4 tanksA5, E1, D2, B1, C5, E4, E5, D3, C4
Go directly to Dr. WilyA1, B2, B4, C1, C5, D1, D3, E3, E5
Have 1 E-Tank and Atomic Fire and Item 1A2, D3, C4, E3, E5, B3, E2, C5, C1
Have 2 E-Tank and Atomic Fire and Item 1A3, D4, C5, E4, B1, B4, E3, D1, C2
Have 1 E-Tank and Time Stopper and Item 3A2, D3, C4, E3, C2, E1, E2, C5, C1
Have 2 E-Tank and Time Stopper and Item 3A3, D4, C5, E4, C3, E2, E3, D1, C2
Have 3 E-Tanks and Quick BoomerangA4, D5, D1, E5, B2, E3, E4, C2, C3
Have 3 E-Tanks and Air Shooter and Item 2A4, B1, D1, E5, B2, E3, E4, D2, C3
Have 3 E-Tanks and Bubble LeadA4, D5, D4, E5, B2, E3, E4, D2, C3
Have 3 E-Tanks and Crash BomberA4, D5, D1, D3, B2, E3, E4, D2, C3
Have 3 E-Tanks and Leaf ShieldA4, D5, D1, E5, B2, E3, E4, D2, E1
Have 3 E-Tanks and Metal BladeA4, D5, D1, E5, B2, E3, B3, D2, C3
Have 3 E-Tanks and Time Stopper and Item 3A4, D5, D1, E5, C4, E3, E4, D2, C3
Have Air Man , Bubble Man, Crash Man, and Flash Man beat with 4 E-TanksA5, B2, D5, D4, C5, E4, E5, D3, C4
Have Air Man , Bubble Man, Crash Man, Flash Man, and Heat Man beat with 4 E-TanksA5, B2, D5, D4, C5, C1, E5, D3, C4
Have Air Man , Bubble Man, Crash Man, Flash Man, Heat Man, and Metal Man beat with 4 E-TanksA5, B2, D5, D4, C5, C1, B4, D3, C4
Have Air Man , Bubble Man, Crash Man, Flash Man, Heat Man, Metal Man, and Quick Man beat with 4 E-TanksA5, B2, D5, D4, C5, C1, B4, C3, C4
Have Air Man ,Crash Man, Flash Man, and Heat Man, Metal Man, Quick Man, and Wood Man beat with 4 E-TanksA5, B2, D2, D4, C5, C1, B4, C3, E2
Have Air Man and Heat Man beat with 4 E-TanksA5, B2, D2, B1, B3, C1, E5, D3, C4
Have Air Man and Metal Man beat with 4 E-TanksA5, B2, D2, B1, B3, E4, B4, D3, C4
Have Air Man and Bubble Man beat with 4 E-TanksA5, B2, D5, B1, B3, E4, E5, D3, C4
Have Air Man and Crash Man beat with 4 E-TanksA5, B2, D2, D4, B3, E4, E5, D3, C4
Have Air Man and Flash Man beat with 4 E-TanksA5, B2, D2, B1, C5, E4, E5, D3, C4
Have Air Man and Quick Man beat with 4 E-TanksA5, B2, D2, B1, B3, E4, E5, C3, C4
Have Air Man, Bubble Man, and Crash Man beat with 4 E-TanksA5, B2, D5, D4, B3, E4, E5, D3, C4
Have Air Shooter and Item 2 with 1 E-TankA2, E4, C4, E3, E5, E1, E2, C5, C1
Have Air Shooter and Item 2 with 2 E-TankA3, E5, C5, E4, B1, E2, E3, D1, C2
Have Bubble Lead and 1 E-TankA2, D3, D2, E3, E5, E1, E2, C5, C1
Have Bubble Lead and 2 E-TankA3, D4, D3, E4, B1, E2, E3, D1, C2
Have Crash Bomber and 1 E-TankA2, D3, C4, D1, E5, E1, E2, C5, C1
Have Crash Bomber and 2 E-TankA3, D4, C5, D2, B1, E2, E3, D1, C2
Have Leaf Shield 1 E-TankA2, D3, C4, E3, E5, E1, E2, C5, D4
Have Leaf Shield 2 E-TankA3, D4, C5, E4, B1, E2, E3, D1, D5
Have Metal Blade and 1 E-TankA2, D3, C4, E3, E5, E1, B1, C5, C1
Have Metal Blade and 2 E-TankA3, D4, C5, E4, B1, E2, B2, D1, C2
Have Quick Boomerang and 1 E-TankA2, D3, C4, E3, E5, E1, E2, B5, C1
Have Quick Boomerang and 2 E-TankA3, D4, C5, E4, B1, E2, E3, C1, C2
Heat Man with 4 tanksA5, E1, D2, B1, B3, C1, E5, D3, C4
Heat Man DefeatedA5, B2, B3, B4, C1, C3, C4, D4, D5
Metal Man with 4 tanksA5, E1, D2, B1, B3, E4, B4, D3, C4
Metal Man DefeatedA2, B1, C2, C5, D1, D2, D4, E1, E4
No Energy Tanks, Air Man and Crash Man DefeatedA1 B5 C3 C4 C5 D5 E1 E3 E4
Quick Man with 4 tanksA5, E1, D2, B1, B3, E4, E5, C3, C4
Start with 4 energy tanksA5, B1, B3, C4, D2, D3, E1, E4, E5
Start with Max Energy TanksA5, B1, B3, C4, D2, D3, E1, E4, E5
Wood Man with 4 tanksA5, E1, D2, B1, B3, E4, E5, D3, E2
Wood Man DefeatedA1, C3, C4, D2, D3, D5, E1, E2, E4

BubbleA1 – B5 – C4 – D1, 2, 5 – E1, 2, 4
Bubble, FlashA2 – C1, 2, 5 – D2, 3 – E1, 2, 3
Bubble, Flash, QuickA1 -B4, 5 – C1 – D1, 2, 5 – E1, 2
Bubble, Flash, Quick, MetalA2 – B1, 5 – C1, 2 – D2, 3 – E1, 3
Bubble, Flash, Quick, Metal, AirA2 – B1, 5 – C1, 2 – D2 – E1, 4, 5
Bubble, Flash, Quick, Metal, Air, HeatA2 – B1, 3, 5 – C1, 2 – D2 – E3, 4
Bubble, Flash, Quick, Metal, Air, Heat, WoodA1 – B2, 4 – C1 – D1, 3 – E2, 3, 5

Mega Man 2 Cheat Code FAQ

How hard is Mega Man 2It is the easiest of out the classic, and difficult, Mega Man games! Have fun!

What is the best order to beat Mega Man 2? You’ll want to take them on in this order: Flash Man, Quick Man, Metal Man, Wood Man, Air Man, Crash Man, Bubble Man, and Heat Man. Flash Man is very weak, so gaining his time-stopper first is a big advantage. What’s more, Quick Man is also weak to it.

What is the hardest stage in Mega Man 2? Following that, Quick Man’s stage is fairly hard without Flash Man’s time stopper.

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