Megaman Star Force 3: Red Joker
Note: This game is also titled Ryuusei No Rockman 3: Red Joker .
Random Sigma Boss appearances
At the title screen, hold L and tap the following gold stars in order: S Comp Star, G Comp Star, S Comp Star, M Comp Star, SS Star, SS Star, Red Joker Star. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Fight against RogueZZ
At the title screen, hold L and tap the following gold stars in order: G Comp Star, M Comp Star, M Comp Star, SS Star, G Comp Star, S Comp Star, and Red Joker Star. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. RogueZZ will appear in the Meteor G Ctrl CC in the Orbital Base.
Alternate title screen
Earn all five gold stars. Then, hold L and tap the Red Joker Star.
Noise Cards
Go to the Megaman menu, and tap the box to the right. Enter one of the following codes to create the corresponding card. You can then combine the cards into a hand to get the corresponding bonus effect. Note: When entering the codes, use the following layout on the touch screen. There are five suits (Spade, Clubs, Heart, Diamonds, and Joker). Jokers cannot go together. There is no limit to how many cards you can have in a single suit. Combos of some cards will cause bugs in battle.
[A] [E] [I] [M] [Q] [B] [F] [J] [N] [R] [C] [G] [K] [O] [S] [D] [H] [L] [P] [T]
Result | Card | Code |
Leo Kingdom Noise – Fire GA + | 1? | ESCTPD |
More Iron Noise – Break+10 | 2? | DETSLA |
Ox Fire Noise – Super Armor | 3? | STACPM |
Hanmari Noise – HP+250 | 4? | FGCEMA |
Meramanda Noise – Fire+10 | 5? | NGRTEM |
Akashiisar Noise – Support Attack Panel | 6? | SRBTMI |
Death Count Noise – Flash Body | 7? | EQPGOC |
Strongo Noise – Charge Heavy Dawn | 8? | QDAGSK |
Mettrio Noise – Reflect | 9? | CIARMB |
Bobobon Noise – Support Bomb Raiser | 10? | KQHALE |
Jack Corvus Noise – Fire+20 | 11? | ARCNOT |
Moeroader Noise – HP+150 | 12? | RSTMLC |
Harp Noise – Normal GA + | 12? | RAIPHD |
Ororon Noise – HP+200 | 1? | HNQCRB |
Flamer Noise – Charge Machine Flame | 2? | KPQCMJ |
Daba Dance Noise – Support Attack+10 | 3? | BPRSQI |
Sirius Noise – Break+20 | 5? | CDMQHP |
Dokkaan Noise – Fire+10 | 7? | QFIEBP |
Libra Balance Noise – HP+400 | 8? | NRKGHB |
Edolade Noise – Sword+10 | 9? | DPKGIL |
Warrock Copy Noise – Support Double Eater | 10? | NDMCSK |
Iwaganko Noise – Charge + | 11? | DARKHQ |
Hell Black Noise – +Poison Panel | 13? | HRISTG |
Apollo Flame Noise – First Aura | 13? | ITEMSQ |
Inadran Noise – Thunder+10 | 2? | CKBRHA |
Moon Disaster Noise – HP+300 | 3? | RTLQOD |
Korobolter Noise – Support Panic Cloud | 4? | KBSLAM |
Eyes Noise – Plus Invis | 5? | FADHQT |
Killme Noise – HP+200 | 6? | BSCLTD |
Phantom Black Noise – Undershirt | 7? | DNQIHA |
Eremera Noise – HP+150 | 8? | QPOSHA |
Noised Wizard Noise – +Zetsuen Panel | 9? | GKLROA |
Vulcane Noise – Charge Mad Vulcan | 10? | DIQSOA |
Bigripper Noise – HP+250 | 11? | FTKPHS |
Nainai Noise – Plus Blind | 12? | TBMGPQ |
Burai Noise – Sword+20 | 13? | IBDPEL |
Basarika Noise – HP+200 | 1? | ISHPLM |
Bellgong Noise – HP+150 | 2? | KDCRQB |
Mairie Noise – HP+150 | 3? | CLEDQH |
Speared Noise – Charge Flash Spear | 4? | KLHQAI |
Crown Thunder Noise – Support Paralyse Stage | 6? | PGMRHB |
Hotarou Noise – Thunder+10 | 7? | MSPGBH |
Billy Ace Noise – Plus Paralyze | 8? | MAEQTL |
Empty Noise – Paralyze Body | 9? | HQILRS |
Spade Magnets Noise – Thunder+20 | 10? | IEKTGH |
Stealth Noise – HP+150 | 11? | DLIQCB |
Majou Nail Noise – HP+150 | 13? | CLQTSF |
Gemini Spark Noise – Thunder GA + | 1? | LCQHEK |
Mu Cube Noise – Charge Mu Technology | 1? | SBCRKP |
Mojahei Noise – Wood+10 | 2? | FISBDJ |
Wolf Forest Noise – HP+400 | 4? | PAQCTO |
Monosword Noise – Sword+10 | 5? | PMGKSH |
Kogarashimaru Noise – Plus Wind | 6? | HITBCR |
Powdereef Noise – +Green Panel | 7? | ESRDPF |
Goat Kungfu Noise – Quick Gauge | 8? | INQAEL |
Club Strong Noise – Wood+20 | 9? | EQDSMC |
Kakapet Noise – Support Kusamura | 11? | DBOLCE |
Pasarin Noise – Support Recovery30 | 12? | MDICLN |
Spidera Noise – HP+250 | 13? | ILEBHR |
Cubhorn Noise – HP+250 | 1? | PABDQS |
Condor Geograph Noise – Air Shoes | 2? | SCIPHL |
Clocker Noise – HP+250 | 3? | SGHATB |
Flatter Noise – Wood+10 | 4? | CRISTB |
Dragon Sky Noise – Wood GA + | 5? | QTORMI |
Rirish Noise – Charge Spread | 7? | TLQEDB |
Uringa Noise – HP+250 | 8? | BTFCSD |
Nukkii Noise – Kawarimi | 9? | DSPLHB |
Errand Noise – Support Divide | 10? | SQPDAF |
Ophiuchus Queen Noise – HP+400 | 12? | RSAKTN |
Shurimaru Noise – Charge Shuriken | 13? | RCFMBA |
Cygnus Wing Noise – Float Shoes | 6? | ADQGMO |
Rabijet Noise – +Ice Panel | 1? | SHCIMG |
Killshack Noise – Aqua+10 | 3? | PSCKMA |
Auriga General Noise – Support Whistle | 4? | KEFPAR |
Wheelz Noise – Charge Giza Wheel | 5? | EITGOA |
Snow Goron Noise – First Barrier | 6? | HELARO |
Dia Iceburn Noise – Aqua+20 | 7? | MPIBQT |
Okutarin Noise – Support Black Ink | 9? | QBARPC |
Piranish Noise – HP+250 | 10? | NPIMRT |
Neverra Noise – Gravity Body | 11? | QCRGBN |
Shishikashoe Noise – Plus Panic | 12? | FACEIB |
Pegasus Magic Noise – Aqua GA + | 13? | SPIRBL |
Pullmin Noise – Aqua+10 | 1? | BCNTMP |
Sawanigga Noise – Support Ice | 2? | EKNCHO |
Penkirah Noise – Charge Ice Spinning | 3? | QGCPMD |
Junkness Noise – Break+10 | 4? | DRLKGI |
Jamminga Noise – HP+250 | 5? | KTACNL |
Yeti Blizzard Noise – Freeze Body | 6? | LSOGQM |
Arrowskull Noise – Plus Gravity | 7? | ICEPRD |
Heel Wizard Noise – +Paralyse Panel | 8? | RCQFDL |
Cannobase Noise – HP+150 | 10? | SCFTGM |
Brachio Wave – HP+150 | 11? | CNQRMB |
Queen Virgo Noise – MegaClass+1 | 12? | RPABDH |
Nyorofuun Noise – HP+250 | 13? | KGHCOM |
Cancer Bubble Noise – Bubble Body | 2? | IQMDLA |
Grave Joker Noise – Body Pack | Joker | SEHDQB |
Andromeda Noise – MAX Buster | Joker | OLSQAD |
Acid Ace Noise – Auto Lockon | Joker | QFLPSB |
Ra Mu Noise – Support Invisible | Joker | SIHRAF |
Crimson Dragon Noise – HP+500 | Joker | RQISND |
The following hands can be created from the cards:
Hand | Result |
Flush (Spade) | Float Shoes |
Flush (Heart) | Super Armor |
Flush (Club) | Kawarimi and HP+200 |
Flush (Diamonds) | Air Shoes |
2 Pair | No Bonus, No Bugs |
3 Card | No Bonus, No Bugs |
4 Card | MegaClass+2 |
5 Card | Status Guard |
Full House | MaxHP+500 |
Straight | HP+300 |
Straight Flush | GigaClass+1 and MegaClass+1 |
Royal Straight Flush | Auto Lockon |
White cards
At the main menu, select the “Brother” option, then choose the center portrait to enter the “Profile” screen. Tap the White Card box at the top right. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding card. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Note: When entering the codes, use the following layout on the touch screen:
[A] [E] [I] [M] [Q] [B] [F] [J] [N] [R] [C] [G] [K] [O] [S] [D] [H] [L] [P] [T]
Result | Code |
Anger Fire 3, Time Bomb 3, Bobobon Bomb 3, Bobobon Bomb 3 | LPBKDJ |
Beast Swing 1, Gravity Plus, Giza Wheel 1, Ice Spinning 1 | GFKSLR |
Beast Swing 3, Beast Swing 3, Death Scythe 3, Heel Wizard 3 | TLSRPJ |
Beast Swing 3, Heel Wizard 2, Double Eater, Jack Corvus | GLRHED |
Break Sabre, Drill Arm 3, Sword Fighter 3, Acid Ace V3 | KJRLBD |
Break Sabre, Giza Wheel 3, Stealth Lazer 3, Acid Ace | JCKDBA |
Break Sabre, Heat Upper 3, Heavy Down 3, Hammer Weapon 3 | RBDLCI |
Daba Flame 3, Heat Upper 3, Anger Fire 3, Machine Flame 3 | KQBPAH |
Destroy Upper, Stun Knuckle, Freeze Knuckle, Poison Knuckle | KICMJT |
Double Eater, Wide Wave 3, Bubble Hook 3, Queen Virgo | BTRIFJ |
Elec +30, Flash Spear 3, Inazuma Head 3, Spade Magnets V3 | THFLJI |
Elec Slash, Sword Fighter 3, Wood Slash, Dancing Blade 3 | SLBHDT |
Flash Spear 3, Inazuma Head 2, Elec Slash, Elec Slash | SKQALD |
Fourth Element: Flash Spear 2, Shark Cutter 2, Heat Upper 2, Shuri Shuriken 2 | JRQTLA |
Great Axe, Break Sabre, Drill Arm 3, Hammer Weapon 3 | SJBMPL |
Hammer Weapon 3, Heat Upper 3, Great Axe, Grave Joker | DKLEAH |
Heat Upper 2, Anger Fire 1, Time Bomb 2, Daba Flame 1 | JSTKAP |
Ice Grenade, Wide Wave 3, Shark Cutter 2, Blue Ink | RTALSJ |
Ice Grenade, Wide Wave 3, Shark Cutter 3, Flame Axe | DKMPHI |
Ice Spinning 3, Wide Wave 3, Shark Cutter 3, Bubble Hook 3 | BFGJIM |
Jet Attack 3, Skull Arrow 3, Skull Arrow 3, Hammer Weapon 3 | DTOFKL |
Kogarashi 3, Death Scythe 3, Tornado Dance, Windy Attack 3 | OGBFKL |
Meteorite Barrage, Gravity Plus, Wide Wave 1, Beast Swing 1 | CSTKQN |
MiniGrenade, Sword, WideSword, LongSword | IJDCEO |
Mummy Hand 3, Dummy Spider 3, Elec Slash, Thunder of Earth 3 | JDFICS |
Panic Cloud, Panic Cloud, Flash Spear 3, Powder Shot 3 | BSCHLJ |
Powder Shot 3, Vulcan Seed 1, Vulcan Seed 2, Shuri Shuriken 3 | EGIKMP |
Powered Red Joker: Atomic Blazer, Attack +10, Beast Swing 1, Heat Upper 1 | HNDKLQ |
Shuri Shuriken 3, Wide Wave 3, Stealth Lazer 3, Smile Coin 3 | STKGHM |
Sword Fighter 1, Ground Wave 3, Noised Wizard 2, Drill Arm 3 | SHDETN |
Tornado Dance, Air Spread 3, Vulcan Seed 3, Mad Vulcan 3 | KFHPLD |
White Card 1: Plasma Gun, Stealth Laser 2, Mummy Hand 1, Inazuma Head 1 | SLDTCI |
White Card 2: Green Ink, Dummy Spider 1, Shuri Shuriken 1, Thunder Shoot 2 | ACTKGM |
White Card 3: Whistle, Drill Arm 1, Drill Arm 2, Windy Attack 1 | DFEJTH |
White Card 4: Bubble Hook 1, Bubble Hook 1, Flash Spear 2, Inazuma Head 2 | SIHFQK |
White Card 5: Black Ink, Flash Spear 2, Bubble Hook 1, Mummy Hand 2 | EJHRPG |
White Card 6: Windy Attack 1, Windy Attack 1, Noised Wizard 1, Noised Wizard 2 | JDBPLC |
White Card 7: Giza Wheel 2, Ground Wave 2, Shuri Shuriken 1, Ice Spinning 1 | JQMAKC |
White Card 8: Heavy Cannon, Drill Arm 2, Heat Upper 2, Heavy Dawn 1 | FJLEDR |
White Card 9: Heel Wizard 1. Bubble Hook 1, Elec Slash, Dummy Spider 1 | HRJKBQ |
White Card 10: Barrier, Cannon, Cannon, Cannon | IJMHQP |
White Card 11: Double Eater, Beast Swing 3, Whistle, Great Axe | JKIPTD |
White Card 12: Rolling Nuts 1, Rolling Nuts 2, Count Bomb 3, Machine Flame 1 | IDHBGT |
White Card 13: Wide Wave 2, Shark Cutter 2, Ice Grenade, Ice Grenade | AGHTRQ |
White Card 14: Edogiri Blade 3, Edogiri Blade 3, Edogiri Blade 2, Edogiri Blade 1 | RSBQPH |
White Card 15: Synchro Hook 1, Freeze Knuckle, Stun Knuckle, Heat Upper 3 | IDOSTE |
White Card 16: Fire +30, Anger Fire 3, Ox Fire V2, Machine Flame 3 | KDANJH |
White Card 17: Aqua +30, Bubble Hook 3, Shark Cutter 3, Dia Iceburn V2 | GHDRJL |
White Meteor, Time Bomb 3, Heavy Dawn 3, Machine Flame 3 | MFQLHJ |
Windy Attack 3, Typhoon Dance, Tornado Dance, Death Scythe 2 | TDAFIQ |
Wood +30, Kogarashi 3, Vulcan Seed 3, Club Strong V3 | EMJKAD |
Wood Slash, Dummy Spider 2, Shuri Shuriken 2, Stealth Lazer 2 | MISBLT |
Cipher Code items
Speak to the orange wizard holding a surfboard inside the Big Wave store at Echo Ridge. Enter one of the following Cipher Codes that he asks for to get the corresponding item:
Item | Code |
AcidAce V3 card | Eta67300 |
AcornBomb3 card | Upsilon79755 |
AirShoes/260 ability | Sigma08312 |
AirSpread3 card | Delta86531 |
AntiDmg/250 ability | Phi40588 |
BeastSlap3 card | Psi07280 |
BigDrop3 card | Lamda09373 |
BN BlstrEX weapon | Omega68805 |
BubblHook3 card | Omicron74574 |
Bug Claw weapon [Note] | Iota28274 |
Bushido3 card | Mu13420 |
ClubStrng V3 card | Gamma31412 |
ClubStrngV3 card [Note] | Beta20976 |
CygnsWing V3 card | Theta78108 |
DangerRing weapon | Psi09659 |
Dark Energy item | Theta32596 |
DblEater card | Omega42348 |
DivideLine card | Delta75148 |
DreadJokr V3 card | Zeta11702 |
DrillArm3 card | Chi83559 |
DrkPhntm V3 card | Kappa34080 |
FlashStrk3 card | Sigma66019 |
GaleClaw weapon | Chi78584 |
GigCls + 1/400 ability | Upsilon28454 |
GyakuFuunotsume weapon [Note] | Xi78584 |
HP+50/110 ability | Epsilon07292 |
HP+500/450 ability | Rho65958 |
IceSpin3 card | Pi95941 |
Invisible card | Beta86425 |
JackCorvs V3 card | Epsilon71083 |
KiloBomb1 card | Zeta78695 |
MadFire3 card | Xi33819 |
MechFlame3 card | Nu31121 |
MegaBoost card | Xi23308 |
MegCls+1/270 ability | Tau90338 |
MoonDstry V3 card | Mu66767 |
MuTech3 card | Phi24914 |
QueenVrgo V3 card | Delta18946 |
Rogue 3 card | Lamda72890 |
Search Eye item | Theta71782 |
Shuriken3 card | Tau78431 |
Sirius V3 card | Nu73618 |
Small Energy item | Alpha85072 |
Small Energy item | Beta95104 |
Small Energy item | Gamma19606 |
Small Energy item | Delta51999 |
Small Energy item | Alpha53637 |
SpadMgnes V3 card | Alpha40352 |
StrngSwngV3 card | Omicron64221 |
ThndrHead3 card | Rho17385 |
Unlocker item | Iota20404 |
VirusClaw weapon | Eta28274 |
WickdFlame card | Pi62739 |
WolfWoodsV3 card [Note] | Iota16196 |
Note: Only works in the Japanese version of the game.
Alternate title screen
Successfully complete Story mode. The title screen will now either feature Geo or Omega-Xis. Shidou will now say “Shooting Star Rockman 3” instead of “Ryuusei No Rockman 3”.
Successfully complete the indicated task to have the corresponding golden star appear at the title screen. After unlocking all five stars, you can challenge Crimson Dragon SP.
- Red Joker Star: Successfully complete Story mode.
- G Comp Star: Collect all the Giga cards.
- M Comp Star: Collect all the Mega cards.
- S Comp Star: Collect all the Standard cards.
- SS Star: Defeat Sirius.
Successfully complete the indicated task with a special wireless transmission to have the corresponding silver star appear at the title screen.
- AJ Star: Defeat Acid Ace BB or Grave Joker RR.
- Mu Star: Defeat Burai ZZ.
- Sigma Star: Defeat Apollo Flame Sigma, Moon Disaster Sigma, and Sirius Sigma.
Red Joker wallpaper
Unlock all five gold stars, then fight Crimson Dragon again. Defeat him, and allow the credits and ending sequence to complete. You will unlock the Red Joker wallpaper to use as a background for your Hunter VG.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Square Enix.