



Microsoft Blames Developers For Lack of 1080p/60fps Support

Microsoft Blames Developers For Lack of 1080p/60fps Support

Oh snap! Microsoft may have just made some folks in the gaming industry a little riled, stemming from comments they recently made that point the finger at them for the lack of true HD support.

Harvey Eagle, who is marketing director for Xbox in the UK, recently told reporters, “[the] Xbox One fully supports 1080p at 60 frames-per-second. It’s up to individual developers to determine what is the best balance in order to deliver the best experience to gamers.”

While he cites Forza Motorsport 5 as good example, many have criticized the currently-in-second place console for not being able to compete with its PlayStation rival when it comes to things like resolution and frame rate (although the PS4 games library is a bit anemic compared to that of the Xbox).

With this new generation of consoles however, Eagle points out that we need to change the way we gauge things about the systems. “No longer can you measure or talk about power in terms of pixels and polygon counts. Performance in this era comes from three areas: hardware, software and the cloud… We’re committed to allowing developers getting the maximum out of the investment that we’ve made.” He says.

Eagle also acknowledges the course corrections Microsoft has been forced to make in certain areas since the consoles launch, revealing there are some things that, “…haven’t worked as well as they were intended to–we’ve had a lot of feedback from our community about that.”

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