



Minecraft Saves Won’t Transfer Between The 360 And The Xbox One

Minecraft Saves Won’t Transfer Between The 360 And The Xbox One

Oh brave new world that has such Creepers in it.

Gamers up to date on the news will not be surprised to hear that Minecraft 360 saves will not be compatible with the Xbox One version of the block-ridden sandbox. Microsoft already revealed that Xbox Live Arcade games will not transfer over to the Xbox One . Still, hearing officially that the countless worlds built on nothing but imagination and creeper bones will have to be left behind is kind a downer.  Microsoft bigwig Phil Spencer said that the Minecraft files won’t transfer because the Xbox One version is a different product with worlds that “don’t translate between the Xbox 360 and Xbox One.”

So, for those looking to upgrade systems come this holiday season, be sure to appreciate the world you have built for yourself, for it will soon be time to say goodbye.  But don’t let yourself get down, for there are brave new worlds to explore and countless Creepers to conquer.

Source: Eurogamer

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