



More Metroid Surprises On The Way?

More Metroid Surprises On The Way?


Nintendo pleasantly surprised Wii owners last week with the Metroid Prime Preview Channel, as well as the news to expect more Metroid on the Virtual Console to complement the release of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption this month.  However, according to Perrin Kaplan, the VP of marketing and corporate communications at Nintendo of America, there are more surprises in store.

“We still have a lot of our more traditional marketing efforts planned,” Kaplan said. “People will see it all shortly, from ads to many of the usual tactics we use to support our key products.”

A cryptic addition from Kaplan stated that “Plus [we have] a few more surprises like the Metroid Prime 3 Preview.”

We’ll keep you posted on news as it becomes available.

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