



More on Dungeon Keeper’s Mobile Problems

More on Dungeon Keeper’s Mobile Problems

While I’ve always been a strong advocate of well-managed microtransaction systems in the past, Dungeon Keeper may be the perfect example of how not to do it! Unfortunately, the game’s bait-n-switch reputation has ultimately hurt it.

In a recent interview, Frank Gibeau (head of EA’s mobile division) explained where he feels they went wrong with the classic reboot. Suggesting they simply missed the mark on multiple fronts, he states, “ Dungeon Keeper suffered from a few things. I don’t think we did a particularly good job marketing it or talking to fans about their expectations for what Dungeon Keeper was going to be…We like the idea that you can bring back a brand at EA and express it in a new way…in the case of Dungeon Keeper, that just didn’t connect with an audience for a variety of reasons.”

But what of fans out there who overlooked the game’s flaws and found a real interest in the tile? Will they now be forced to give up their little gem just because it’s suffering monetarily?

Luckily, Gibeau says no. While the franchise may not have much of a future in regards to sequels, he assures that “…when you bring in a group of people to Dungeon Keeper and you serve them, create a live service, a relationship and a connection, you just can’t pull the rug out from under them. That’s just not fair. We can sustain the Dungeon Keeper business at its level for a very long time…we don’t want to just shut stuff off and walk away.”

If you’re curious enough after reading this to give the title a try, you can do so via your Android device on Google Play.

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