



More Women Making Games

More Women Making Games

According to a recent survey conducted by the International Game Developers Association, more women are making games than ever. Approximately 22 percent of all respondents identified as women, 76 percent identified as male and 2 percent identified as “other” or transgender. That’s still a big split but believe it or not it’s an improvement. In 2009 when the IGDA had a similar survey, only 11.5 percent of game developers identified as female, meaning that there are twice as many women in the industry now as there were only 5 years ago. Hopefully this number will get even higher in the coming years closer to the idea 50/50 spread.

Another interesting piece of data from the survey is that a hefty amount of people working in the industry are not planning on staying there. 61 percent of people in the industry were thinking about staying but the other 39 percent were looking to move on. The majority reason for moving on was to “find a better quality of life.” That’s a lot of people who are upset with game industry work conditions.

Source: Gamasutra

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