



NCAA Football 06 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 2 (PS2)

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NCAA Football 06 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 2 (PS2)

NCAA Football 06


All Impact Players “In The Zone”

Enter ” ZoneOut ” as a user profile name, then select Practice mode. After the first play, all Impact Players will be “In The Zone”. -From: [email protected]

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Hidden pictures in dorm

While in Race For The Heisman mode in Year 1, go to the computer area. While the computer is highlighted, press Down and a “Picture” caption will appear. Press X to see a picture of a girl. While in Race For The Heisman mode in Year 2, go to the schedule area. While the schedule is highlighted, press Down and a “Picture” caption will appear. Press X to see a picture of a girl. While in Race For The Heisman mode in Year 4, go to the schedule area. While the schedule is highlighted, press Down and a “Picture” caption will appear. Press X to see a picture of your girlfriend.

Easier passes

To pass easier, hold R2 as your team is walking to the line of scrimmage; this will display the routes your wide outs will be running. Find the opposing teams safeties and look to see where they will be running. If there is a route ran to one of them, they will crash on that player. The other safety will find another player to guard — this means a wide out or tightend will be on 1-1 coverage. It will make the game easier to pass. Just look to see where you think the safeties will run.

Easier interceptions

When the CPU passes the ball, press Circle to control your cornerback. Then, press Triangle to put his hands up. If done too early, you will get burned — hope your safeties are there for the tackle. If done too late, you will tip the ball away. Time correctly for the interception. It is a high risk-reward procedure.

Easy defensive hurries/sacks

To get a hurry on a QB and have a good chance for an interception, move your line out (L1 + Up), then press L1, R3 to make them rush inside. If you have good ends they will get a sack or rush the QB.

Easy CPU

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Go to the settings and select “A.I.”. Move the meters for human all the way up and press R1 for additional meters. Then, press R2 to move the CPU’s meters up and down. For additional meters for the CPU, press R1.

Calling good defensive formations against CPU

When the play calling screen appears while on defense, look at the CPU’s section of the screen. It will read 3 WR 1TE 1RB (or something similar). Pick your defense accordingly. If it reads 2WR 1TE 2RB, try a 5-2 defense. If it reads 3WR 1TE 1RB, play a nickel package. If it reads 4WR 0TE 1RB, play a dime. Try various defense formations to make sure all the wide receivers are covered and you can potentially stop a run (if the CPU calls a run). You will win many more games by doing this.

Countering the CPU

While on defense, press R2 to see your defense. If you are in man-to-man and the CPU is doing a HB or WR pass trick play, one of your man-to-man arrows will be pointing to the QB.

Great created player

To create a great player without the risk of him joining another team, when creating him make him a punter from your home state. Raise all desired stats to the maximum, but move his kick power and accuracy to the minimum of 40. No team will want him, making it very easy for you to recruit him. When you do, change his position to HB, QB, CB, or anything else desired except for a punter or kicker.

Race For The Heisman mode

When the drill starts in summer camp, hold Turbo (X) and start running. Start running to the left, but make sure you do not go too far to the left near the red pads. You will start to see the linebacker running for you, but do not get alarmed. When you get almost parallel or directly next to your blocker, juke to the right using the Right Analog-stick. You will have an easy run to the endzone. Do this to the left two times in a row, then go one time to the right. Then, go back to the left when you start two times in a row. Go left twice, right one, left twice, right once, etc. Make sure you are closer than you think you should be to your blocker when you juke. If the linebacker for some reason starts to tackle you but you are still on your feet, repeatedly tap Sprint (X) as fast as possible to break the tackle. Follow these steps to get eight to ten touchdowns.

Get your player into the top five candidates by the time you get to your bowl game. Before the ceremony starts, save the game. Once you are done, go into the ceremony. If you do not win, turn off the game as soon as the Heisman winner gets his trophy. Restart the game and go back to Race For The Heisman mode. Do the ceremony again. You can keep doing this until you win.

To get noticed by the top colleges in Race For The Heisman mode, choose a position like QB or RB and do well in spring training.

Use Cheat Pennants while using more than one player

Start the game, then go to “Campus Challenge”. Select the pennant(s) you wish to use during the game, then exit back. Go into “Settings”, then “Control Settings”. The other player(s) can now choose to be on your team or the opposing team. An error message stating that Campus Challenge is now disabled and nothing can be enabled will appear. After this, there will be a message stating that it will take effect after the following play. Once the next play is finished, the players will be recognized and the pennants will still be in effect, even though the game said they will not be.

Cheat mode

At the Pennant Collection screen, press Select, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Result Code
1st and 15 pennant; opponent gains 15 yards for first down THANKS
2003 All-Americans pennant FUMBLE
Baylor ratings boost SIC EM
Blink pennant; ref spots ball short for opponent FOR
Boing pennant; opponent drops passes more REGISTERING
Crossed The Line pennant TIBURON
Cuffed pennant EA SPORTS
Extra Credit pennant TOUCHDOWN
Free Play pennant; five downs IMPACT
Get points when your player is injured (#211) HEISMAN
Improves catching ability for one game (#208) IN THE ZONE
Increase chance to break tackles for one game (#213) BREAK FREE
Increase DBs chance of jamming receiver at line of scrimmage (#227) DEFENSE
Increase opponent’s fatigue for one game (#212) GAME TIME
Increase opponent’s fumbles for one game (#205) WITH EA
Increase pass rush TURNOVER
Increase wind in your direction on field goal attempts (#229) SIDELINE
Jumbalaya pennant HIKE
Illinois ratings boost OSKEE WOW
Molasses mode HOME FIELD
Nike Magnigrip Gloves; increases chances of pass interception HAND PICKED
Nike Pro Apparel; improves your quarterback’s passing accuracy for one game NO SWEAT
Nike Speed TD Shoes; increases your receivers chances of burning the coverage deep LIGHT SPEED
Quarterback Dud pennant ELITE 11
Quarterback impossible to sack (#226) OFFENSE
Stiffed pennant NCAA
Take Your Time pennant FOOTBALL
Texas Tech ratings boost FIGHT
Thread The Needle pennant 2006
What A Hit pennant BLITZ
Alabama All-time team ROLL TIDE
Arizona mascot team BEAR DOWN
Arkansas All-time team WOOPIGSOOIE
Auburn All-time team WAR EAGLE
Badgers All-time team U RAH RAH
Clemson All-time team DEATH VALLEY
Colorado All-time team GLORY
Florida All-time team GREAT TO BE
Florida State All-time team UPRISING
Georgia All-time team HUNKER DOWN
Georgia Tech mascot team RAMBLINWRECK
Iowa All-time team ON IOWA
Iowa State mascot team RED AND GOLD
Kansas mascot team ROCK CHALK
Kansas State All-time team VICTORY
Kentucky mascot team ON ON UK
LSU All-time team GEAUX TIGERS
Miami All-time team RAISING CANE
Michigan All-time team GO BLUE
Michigan State mascot team GO GREEN
Minnesota mascot team RAH RAH RAH
Mississippi State All-time team HAIL STATE
Mizzouri All-time team MIZZOU RAH
Nebraska All-time team GO BIG RED
North Carolina All-time team RAH RAH
North Carolina State mascot team GO PACK
Notre Dame All-time team GOLDEN DOMER
NU mascot team GO CATS
Ohio State All-time team KILLER NUTS
Oklahoma All-time team BOOMER
Oklahoma State All-time team GO POKES
Ole Miss Mascot team HOTTY TOTTY
Oregon All-time team QUACK ATTACK
Penn State All-time team WE ARE
Pittsburgh All-time team LETS GO PITT
Purdue All-time team BOILER UP
South Carolina mascot team GO CAROLINA
Syracuse All-time team ORANGE CRUSH
Tennessee All-time team BIG ORANGE
Texas A&M All-time team GIG EM
Texas Longhorns All-time team HOOK EM
UCLA All-time team MIGHTY
USC All-time team FIGHT ON
Virginia All-time team WAHOOS
Virginia Tech All-time team TECH TRIUMPH
Wake Forest mascot team GO DEACS GO
Washington All-time team BOW DOWN
Washington Sate mascot team ALL HAIL
West Virginia mascot team HAIL WV
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