The NES is turning 30, which is just outstanding. If not for this staple of the gaming world, we arguably would not have the advanced games we have today. People are still going out of their way to refurbish and remake NES consoles, and NES games can sell for upwards of hundreds of dollars if they are rare enough.
To commemorate the impact the NES has had on gaming, video game museum The Strong has announced that it will be producing an NES exhibit later this year, together with the Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto.
“Japan is home to a rich history of video game culture and pioneering companies such as Nintendo and Sony. This partnership allows for a cross-cultural exchange of ideas about how best to chronicle and conserve this important history,” The Strong director Jon-Paul C. Dyson said in a statement.
The exhibit will debut in Rochester, NY this fall.
Source: Gamespot