



New Bungie Game Confirmed

New Bungie Game Confirmed


Now that Halo is out of their hands, Bungie has signed a ten-year exclusive publishing deal with Activision. They are currently turning their sights toward making new multi-platform games within a new IP and a totally new engine.

The first game to come out of this deal has been codenamed “Tiger” and has been described as something like a “Massively Multiplayer Title.” Bungie probably isn’t getting into the RPG business, but a massively multiplayer online space-shooter could be pretty awesome.

The news came from Bungie’s 20th Anniversary video, released last week. In the video, they revealed the logo for the new game project, as well as a preliminary screenshot that featured a windmill in the middle of the desert. Deserts, shooters, and online gameplay screams Borderlands to me. A Bungie-made massively multiplayer Borderlands type game? Now that has potential.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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