



Nolan North Wants Desmond To Learn From Drake

Nolan North Wants Desmond To Learn From Drake


One of the most prolific voice actors in video games, Nolan North is one of the stars of both the Assassin’s Creed and Uncharted series. Both titles have a tremendous focus on story and characterization, which makes it all the more important that they use powerful, effective, motion capture technology. North, however, feels that the developers at Ubisoft could learn a thing or two from Naughty Dog’s techniques.

Currently, Ubisoft records voice facial animation separately from the full-body motion capture that controls the models’ bodies. Says North: “I wish it wasn’t done separately. Don’t get me wrong, the mo-cap actors do a great job, but there will always be somewhat of a disconnect when it’s done this way.”

Continuing on, he compares it directly to Naughty Dog’s technique: “After my experiences on the Uncharted franchise, where the actors do both performance and voice, I can honestly say there is absolutely a difference. The cutscenes are shot exactly like a film or television program. The actors interact more naturally and unique and subtle elements to the performances are captured. Don’t think for a minute that gamers don’t notice. They’re a savvy bunch.”

We’d like to thank Mr. North for thinking so highly of us gamers and our discerning visual palettes.

By Shelby Reiches

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