



Painkiller Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC

Painkiller Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC

Painkiller Activating cheat mode in higher difficulty setting

Cheat codes are normally only available in games on the insomnia or daydream difficulty setting. Use the following trick to use them on the nightmare or trauma difficulty setting. First, enable the desired codes in a game on the insomnia or daydream difficulty setting. Then, load a game in the menu that was played on a higher difficulty setting. The codes will remain active.

[lasso rel="amzn-meta-quest-3-128gb-breakthrough-mixed-reality-powerful-performance-asgards-wrath-2-bundle" id="175390"]

Extra money

Equip the Painkiller, then hit an enemy with its second attack. Then, quickly do it three or four times while he is in the air; the enemy should not fall on ground. You will then see something like a jewel pop out. Collect it and it will add about 30 to your money. Note: You cannot use the extra amount to get a Black Tarrot Card in Chapter 1.

Cheat Codes

[lasso rel="amzn-meta-quest-3-128gb-breakthrough-mixed-reality-powerful-performance-asgards-wrath-2-bundle" id="175390"]

While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window on the insomnia or daydream difficulty setting. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Result Cheat Code
Toggle God mode pkgod
All weapons pkweapons
Full ammunition pkammo
Full ammunition and health pkpower
Extra gold pkgold
Toggle haste pkhaste
Toggle disappearing bodies pkkeepbodies
Toggle disappearing decals pkkeepdecals
Toggle demon morph pkdemon
Toggle weak enemies pkweakenemies
Toggle excessive gibs pkalwaysgib
Toggle weapon modifier mode pkweaponmodifier
Toggle weapon specular weaponspecular [0 or 1]
Toggle smooth mouse msmooth [0 or 1]
Toggle weapon rendering showweapon [0 or 1]
Toggle camera interpolation for multi-player clients camerainterpolation [0 or 1]
Toggle player movement prediction playerprediction [0 or 1]
Toggle running speedmeter speedmeter [0 or 1]
Show position in level pos
Change crosshair crosshair [1-32]
Change player name name [nickname]
Set field of view (zoom) fov [0-255]
Set HUD size hudsize [0-3]
Set mouse sensitivity msensitivity [0-200]
Set multi-player frag limit fraglimit [number]
Set multi-player time limit timelimit [number]
Change maximum UDP packet size, as multi-player admin maxpacketsize [20-1400]
Change setting for actions send per ms, as multi-player admin actionsendperiod [number]
Change team in multi-player mode team [1 or 2]
Changes settings for my player synchro, as multi-player admin updateparams_myplayer
Changes settings for physics items synchro, as multi-player admin updateparams_physicsitems
Changes settings for player synchro, as multi-player admin updateparams_players
Changes settings for projectiles synchro, as multi-player admin updateparams_projectiles
Load map in multi-player mode map [map name]
Show channel packet stats, as multi-player admin netstats
Tell everyone that you are not ready in multi-player mode notready
Tell everyone that you want to break match in multi-player mode break
Exit game to desktop exit
Quit game to desktop quit
Benchmarking test in single player [Note] benchmark C5L1
FPS display in single player [Note] showfps [0 or 1]
Kick player from server, as multi-player admin [Note] kick [name]
Kick and ban player from server, as multi-player admin [Note] bankick [name]
Set max number of players on server, as multi-player admin [Note] maxplayers [value]
Set max number of spectators on server, as multi-player admin [Note] maxspectators [value]
Toggle power-up dropping after map change, as multi-player admin [Note] powerupdrop [0 or 1]
Toggle power-ups, as multi-player admin [Note] powerups [0 or 1]
Toggle weapons stay if collected, as multi-player admin [Note] weaponsstay [0 or 1]
Toggle damage to teammates, as multi-player admin [Note] teamdamage [0 or 1]
Toggle bunny hopping, as multi-player admin [Note] allowbunnyhopping [0 or 1]
Toggle bright player skins, as multi-player admin [Note] allowbrightskins [0 or 1]
Toggle forward rocket jump, as multi-player admin [Note] allowforwardrj [0 or 1]
Change game mode on server, as multi-player admin [Note] gamemode <ffa/tdm/pcf/tlb/voosh>
Reload current map, as multi-player admin [Note] reloadmap
Toggle spectator mode for multi-player clients [Note] spectator [0 or 1]
Startsvoting for multi-player clients; for example callvote maxplayers 2 [Note] callvote [command command_params]
Agree or not agree to callvote for multi-player clients [Note] vote [yes or no]
Play indicated movie file for multi-player clients [Note] demoplay [filename]
Record indicated movie file for multi-player clients [Note] demorecord [filename]
Stop playback of current demo for multi-player clients [Note] demostop
Player commits suicide for multi-player clients [Note] kill
Connect to specified server for multi-player clients [Note] connect [ip:port]
disables/enables client prediction in multi-player mode [Note] prediction [0 or 1]
Latency in milliseconds, can be negative, in multi-player mode [Note] pushlatency [value]
Set number of milliseconds to pass between sending your action packets to server in multi-player mode [Note] actionsendperiod <value>
Show network info from the start of the connection in multi-player mode [Note] netstats overall
Show help for the command in multi-player mode [Note] netstats help
Unknown pkcards
Unknown join
Unknown rot
Unknown ready
Unknown demo
Unknown stresstest
Unknown server

Note: Requires v.1.15 patch.

Map names

Use one of the following values with the ” map [map name]” code:



    DM_Cursed (requires v1.15 patch)
[lasso rel="amzn-meta-quest-3-128gb-breakthrough-mixed-reality-powerful-performance-asgards-wrath-2-bundle" id="175390"]
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