Doom 3: Resurrection Of Evil
Cheat Codes
While playing the game, press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + ~ to display the console window. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Cheat Code |
God mode [Note] | god |
Full weapons and ammunition | give all |
Full ammunition for current weapons | give ammo |
Armor to 125 | give armor |
Classic 1995 version | give doom95 |
Health to 100 | give health |
All keys | give keys |
BFG | give weapon_bfg |
Chainsaw | give weapon_chainsaw |
Machine gun | give weapon_machinegun |
Plasmagun | give weapon_plasmagun |
Rocket launcher | give weapon_rocketlauncher |
Shotgun | give weapon_shotgun |
Spawn indicated item | give [item name] |
Play indicated map | map [map name] |
Load a map | map |
Switch to indicated weapon slot, regardless if you have a weapon there | _button0 |
Switch to indicated weapon slot, regardless if you have a weapon there | _button1 |
Switch to indicated weapon slot, regardless if you have a weapon there | _button2 |
Switch to indicated weapon slot, regardless if you have a weapon there | _button3 |
Switch to indicated weapon slot, regardless if you have a weapon there | _button4 |
Switch to indicated weapon slot, regardless if you have a weapon there | _button5 |
Switch to indicated weapon slot, regardless if you have a weapon there | _button6 |
Switch to indicated weapon slot, regardless if you have a weapon there | _button7 |
Show AAS stats | aasStats |
Unknown | addarrow |
Adds debug arrow | addarrow |
Core to game chat lines | addChatLine |
Add debug line | addline |
Scale contact friction | af_contactFrictionScale |
Force the given friction value | af_forceFriction |
Name of the body to highlight | af_highlightBody |
Name of the constraint to highlight | af_highlightConstraint |
Scale the joint friction | af_jointFrictionScale |
Maximum angular velocity | af_maxAngularVelocity: |
Maximum linear velocity | af_maxLinearVelocity |
Show structures of articulated figures not at rest | af_showActive |
Show bodies | af_showBodies |
Show body names | af_showBodyNames |
Show two bodies constrained by the highlighted constraint | af_showConstrainedBodies |
Show constraint names | af_showConstraintNames |
Show constraints | af_showConstraints |
Show the inertia tensor of each body | af_showInertia |
Show joint limits | af_showLimits |
Show mass of each body | af_showMass |
Show primary constraints only | af_showPrimaryOnly |
Show articulated figure CPU usage | af_showTimings |
Show the total mass of each articulated figure | af_showTotalMass |
Show tree-like structures | af_showTrees |
Show velocity of each body | af_showVelocity |
Skip friction | af_skipFriction |
Skip joint limits | af_skipLimits |
Skip self collision detection | af_skipSelfCollision |
Test for bodies initially stuck in solid | af_testSolid |
Scale time | af_timeScale |
Use impulse-based contact friction | af_useImpulseFriction |
Use impulse-based joint friction | af_useJointImpulseFriction |
Use linear time algorithm for tree-like structures | af_useLinearTime |
Use constraint matrix symmetry | af_useSymmetry |
Enable blocked fail safe handling | ai_blockedFailSafe |
Draw movement information for monsters | ai_debugMove |
Display script calls for the specified monster entity number | ai_debugScript |
Draw trajectory tests for monsters | ai_debugTrajectory |
Draw attack cones for monsters | ai_showCombatNodes |
Draw obstacle avoidance information for monsters. | ai_showObstacleAvoidance 1 |
Draw obstacle avoidance information for monsters and player | ai_showObstacleAvoidance 2 |
Draw path_* entities | ai_showPaths: |
Unknown | ai_testPredictPath |
Write .AVI for a command demo | aviCmdDemo |
Save demo in .AVI format | avidemo |
Write .AVI for a demo | aviDemo |
Write .AVI for the current game | aviGame |
Game benchmark | benchmark |
Benchmark | benchmark |
Bind command to a key | bind |
Bind ragdoll at the current drag position | bindRagdoll |
Bind a key, but unbinds it first if there are more than two binds | bindunbindtwo |
Blink a debug line | blinkline |
Center view | centerview |
Check if new version of the game is available | checkNewVersion |
Unknown | clear |
Clear the console | clear |
Clear all lights | clearLights |
Drop current weapon | clientDropWeapon |
In-game GUI message mode | clientMessageMode |
Voice chats | clientVoiceChat |
Team voice chats | clientVoiceChatTeam |
Close the view showing any notes for this map | closeViewNotes |
Cull back facing polygons | cm_backFaceCul |
Debug collision detection | cm_debugCollision |
Color used to draw the collision models | cm_drawColor |
Draw filled polygons | cm_drawFilled |
Draw internal edges green | cm_drawInternal |
Collision mask | cm_drawMask |
Draw polygon and edge normals | cm_drawNormals |
Show collision model info | collisionModelInfo |
Use ~ to toggle console | com_allowConsole |
Sample input from the async thread | com_asyncInput |
Mix sound from the async thread | com_asyncSound |
Compress saved games | com_compressSaveGame |
Force generic platform independent SIMD | com_forceGenericSIMD |
Unknown | com_guid |
Record journal | com_journal 1 |
Play back journal | com_journal 2 |
Set hardware classification to | com_machineSpec |
Set hardware classification to not detected, | com_machineSpec -1 |
Set hardware classification to low quality, | com_machineSpec 0 |
Set hardware classification to medium quality, | com_machineSpec 1 |
Set hardware classification to high quality, | com_machineSpec 2 |
Set hardware classification to ultra quality | com_machineSpec 3 |
Make a build | com_makingBuild 1 |
Marker for memory stats | com_memoryMarker |
Run one game tick every async thread update | com_preciseTic |
Purge everything between level loads | com_purgeAll |
Show async network stats | com_showAsyncStats |
Show frame rate | com_showFPS |
Show framerate | com_showfps 1 |
Show total and per frame memory usage | com_showMemoryUsage |
show sound decoders | com_showSoundDecoders |
Skip the renderer completely | com_skipRenderer |
Show engine timings | com_speeds |
Print time in milliseconds with each console print | com_timestampPrints 1 |
Print time in seconds with each console print | com_timestampPrints 2 |
Update the load size after loading a map | com_updateLoadSize |
Hold last amount of detected video RAM | com_videoRam |
Combine six images for roq compression | combineCubeImages |
Compress a demo file | compressDemo |
Print on the console but not onscreen when console is displayed | con_noPrint |
Time messages displayed when console is displayed | con_notifyTime |
Speed at which the console moves | con_speed [number] |
Dump the console text to a file | conDump |
Connect to a server | connect |
Crashes game | crash |
Crash game | crash |
Unknown | cvar_restart |
Restart the cvar system | cvar_restart |
Apply damage to an entity | damage |
Launch script debugger | debugger |
Print parses | decl_show 1 |
Print parses and references developer | decl_show 2 |
Delete selected entity | deleteSelected |
Hold [Enter] to zoom view | demoshot |
Save screenshot for a demo | demoShot |
Load a map in developer mode | devmap |
Open directory | dir |
List a folder | dir |
List a folder with sub-folders | dirtree |
Disassembles script | disasmScript |
Disables connection for current multi-player game | disconnect |
Disconnect from a game | disconnect |
Compile map | dmap |
Skip to last level | doomhell |
Print indicated text | echo [text] |
Launch in-game Articulated Figure Editor | editAFs |
Launch in-game Declaration Editor | editDecls |
Launch GUI Editor | editGUIs |
Change lighting | editlight |
Launch in-game Light Editor | editLights |
Open the in-game editor | editor |
Launch level editor Radiant | editor |
Launch in-game Particle Editor | editParticles |
Launch in-game PDA Editor | editPDAs |
Launch in-game Script Editor | editScripts |
Change sounds in editor area | editsounds |
launch in-game Sound Editor | editSounds |
Take an environment shot | envshot |
Cause an error | error |
Execute a config file | exec |
Execute appropriate config files and sets cvars based on com_machineSpec | execMachineSpec |
Exit game | exit |
Exit command demo | exitCmdDemo |
Export models | exportmodels |
Finish the build process | finishBuild |
Freeze everything on screen | freeze |
Freeze game for indicated number of seconds | freeze [number] |
Armor takes this percentage of damage | g_armorProtection [number] |
Armor takes this percentage of damage in MP | g_armorProtectionMP [number] |
Maintain even teams | g_balanceTDM |
Show blood splats, sprays, and gibs | g_bloodEffects |
Skip updating entities not marked ‘cinematic’ ‘1’ during cinematics | g_cinematic |
Set seconds to allow game to run when skipping cinematic | g_cinematicMaxSkipTime [number] |
Pregame countdown in seconds | g_countDown [number] |
Scale final damage on player by this factor | g_damageScale [number] |
Display information on which animations are playing on specified entity; -1 disables | g_debugAnim [number] |
Check for models with bounds over 2048 | g_debugBounds |
Show decals (bullet holes, etc.) | g_decals |
Disassemble script into base/script disasm.txt when script is compiled | g_disasm |
Show double vision when taking damage | g_doubleVision |
Unknown | g_dragDamping |
Allow dragging physics objects around by placing the crosshair over them and holding [Fire] | g_dragEntity |
Edit entity mode; 0 = off, 1 = lights, 2 = sounds, 3 = articulated figures, 4 = particle systems, 5 = monsters, 6 = entity names, 7 = entity models. | g_editEntityMode [0-7] |
Toggle disable buffer file writing for save games | g_flushSave [0 or 1] |
Display timing information for each game frame | g_frametime |
Score review time in seconds at end game | g_gameReviewPause |
Set how much health to take in nightmare mode | g_healthTakeAmt [number] |
Set how low can health get taken in nightmare mode | g_healthTakeLimit [number] |
Set how often to take health in nightmare mode | g_healthTakeTime [number] |
Control the weapon sway in MP | g_mpWeaponAngleScale [number] |
Show muzzle flashes | g_muzzleFlash [0 or 1] |
If nightmare mode is allowed | g_nightmare [0 or 1] |
Game password | g_password [password > |
Show dynamic lights on projectiles | g_projectileLights |
Draw boxes around thinking entities; dormant entities (outside of PVs) are yellow, non-dormant are green | g_showActiveEntities |
Enable ejected shells from weapon | g_showBrass |
Display current frame number for camera when playing cinematics | g_showcamerainfo |
Draw boxes around monsters that targeted player | g_showEnemies |
Enable shadow of player model | g_showPlayerShadow |
Enable display of player hit percentage | g_showProjectilePct |
Toggle hit % to HUD | g_showprojectilepct 1 |
Draw entities and their targets; hidden entities are gray | g_showTargets |
Display current animation and frame number for testmodels. | g_showTestModelFrame |
Draw trigger entities (orange) and their targets (green); disabled triggers are gray. | g_showTriggers |
Skip damage and other view effects | g_skipViewEffects |
Let spectators talk to everyone during game | g_spectatorChat |
Draw arrows over teammates in team deathmatch | g_TDMArrows |
Test model animation; 0 = cycle anime with origin reset, 1 = cycle anim with fixed origin, 2 = cycle anim with continuous origin, 3 = frame by frame with continuous origin, 4 = play anime once | g_testModelAnimate |
Number of frames to blend | g_testModelBlend |
Test model rotation speed | g_testModelRotate |
Test particle visualation; set by the particle editor | g_testParticle |
Name of the particle being tested by the particle editor | g_testParticleName |
Name of material to draw over screen | g_testPostProcess |
When non-zero, shows entities whose think functions exceeded the number of milliseconds specified | g_timeEntities <number> |
scale damage and armor dynamically to keep player alive more often | g_useDynamicProtection |
Show available memory | game_memory |
Display game class info | game_memory |
Cause a game error | gameError |
Kick player from multi-player game | gameKick [name] |
Kick indicated player name | gameKick [name] |
Print current view position | getviewpos |
Display graphics card details | gfxinfo |
Show graphics info | gfxInfo |
Gametype filter | gui_filter_gameType |
Password filter | gui_filter_password |
Players filter | gui_filter_players |
Send heartbeat to master servers | Heartbeat |
Show help | help |
Hitch the game | hitch |
Show IK debug lines | ik_debug |
Enable IK | ik_enable |
Name of log file; if empty “qconsole.log” will be used | ilFileName |
Set the maximum texture anisotropy if available | image_anisotropy [number] |
Maximum MB reserved for temporary loading of full-sized precompressed images | image_cacheMegs [number] |
Maximum KB of precompressed files to read at specification time | image_cacheMinK [number] |
See texture MIP usage | image_colorMipLevels |
Control texture downsampling | image_downSize |
Control normal map downsampling | image_downSizeBump |
Control normal map downsample limit | image_downSizeBumpLimit |
Control diffuse map downsample limit | image_downSizeLimit |
Control specular downsampling | image_downSizeSpecular |
Control specular downsampled limit | image_downSizeSpecularLimit |
Change texture filtering on mipmapped images | image_filter |
Unknown | image_forceDownSize |
Ignore high quality setting on materials | image_ignoreHighQuality |
Change lod bias on mipmapped images | image_lodbias |
If 0, dynamically load all images | image_preload [0 or 1] |
Round bad sizes down to nearest power of two | image_roundDown |
If 1, print number of outstanding background loads | image_showBackgroundLoads [0 or 1] |
Allow alpha/intensity/luminance luminance+alpha | image_useAllFormats |
If 1, do background load image caching | image_useCache [0 or 1] |
If 0, force everything to high quality | image_useCompression [0 or 1] |
If 2, use rxgb compression for normal maps; if 1, use 256 color compression for normal maps if available | image_useNormalCompression [0-2] |
Write batch file for offline compression of .DDS files | image_useOfflineCompression |
Use .DDS files if present | image_usePrecompressedTextures |
Write .tgas of the final normal maps for debugging | image_writeNormalTGA |
Write .TGAs of the final palletized normal maps for debugging | image_writeNormalTGAPalletized |
Write .DDS files if necessary | image_writePrecompressedTextures |
Write .TGAs of the non normal maps for debugging | image_writeTGA |
Always run (reverse _speed button) in multi-player mode | in_alwaysRun |
Angle change scale when holding _speed button | in_anglespeedkey |
Look around with mouse (reverse _mlook button) | in_freeLook |
Enable mouse input | in_mouse |
Pitch change speed when holding _lookUp or _lookDown button | in_pitchspeed |
Unknown | in_restart |
Restart the input system | in_restart |
Yaw change speed when holding _left or _right button | in_yawspeed |
Unknown | keeptestmodel |
Keep last test model in the game | keepTestModel |
Kick client by connection number | kick |
Kill current target; suicide if no one is targeted | kill |
Kill the player | kill |
Kill all monsters in current level | killmonsters |
Remove all monsters | killMonsters |
Kill all moving enemies | killmoveables |
Remove all moveables | killMoveables |
Kill all non-moving enemies | killragdolls |
Remove all ragdolls | killRagdolls |
Scan LAN for servers | LANScan |
Show LCP solver failures | lcp_showFailures |
List active game entities | listActiveEntities |
List articulated figures | listAF |
Unknown | listanims |
List all animations | listAnims |
List audios | listAudios |
List key bindings | listBinds |
List game classes | listClasses |
List commands | listCmds |
Unknown | listcollisionmodels |
List collision models | listCollisionModels |
List cvars | listCvars |
List all decls | listDecls |
List all keys used by dictionaries | listDictKeys |
List all values used by dictionaries | listDictValues |
List emails | listEmails |
Unknown | listentities |
List game entities | listEntities |
Lists indicated def file settings | listentitydefs |
List entity defs | listEntityDefs |
List FX systems | listFX |
List game commands | listGameCmds |
List GUIs | listGuis |
List decl text character frequencies | listHuffmanFrequencies |
Unknown | listimages |
List images | listImages |
Lists indicated def file settings | listlightdefs |
Unknown | listlines |
List all debug lines | listLines |
Unknown | listmaterials |
List materials | listMaterials |
List model defs | listModelDefs |
Unknown | listmodels |
List all models | listModels |
Unknown | listmodes |
List all video modes | listModes |
Lists images of monsters | listmonsters |
List monsters | listMonsters |
List particle systems | listParticles |
List PDAs | listPDAs |
List the entity defs | listRenderEntityDefs |
List renderer commands | listRendererCmds |
List the light defs | listRenderLightDefs |
List scanned servers | listServers |
Unknown | listskins |
List skins | listSkins |
List sound commands | listSoundCmds |
List active sound decoders | listSoundDecoders |
Unknown | listsounds |
List all sounds | listSounds |
Unknown | listsoundshaders |
List sound shaders | listSoundShaders |
List the spawn args of an entity | listSpawnArgs |
List system commands | listSystemCmds |
List tables | listTables |
Unknown | listthreads |
List script threads | listThreads |
List tool commands | listToolCmds |
List type info | listTypeInfo |
Unknown | listvertexcache |
List vertex cache | listVertexCache |
List videos | listVideos |
Load a game | loadGame |
Localize GUIs | localizeGuis |
Localize maps | localizeMaps |
If 1, buffer log; if 2, flush after each print | logFile [1 or 2] |
Mouse pitch scale | m_pitch |
Show mouse movement | m_showMouseRate |
Number of samples blended for mouse viewing | m_smooth |
Mouse strafe movement scale | m_strafeScale |
Number of samples blended for mouse moving | m_strafeSmooth |
Mouse yaw scale | m_yaw |
Make an ambient map | makeAmbientMap |
Process giant images | MakeMegaTexture |
Create memory dump | memoryDump |
Create a compressed memory dump | memoryDumpCompressed |
Valid skins (including flushing referenced pak files); decreased if over 0 | mod_validSkins |
Unknown | modulatelights |
Modify shader parms on all lights | modulateLights |
Unknown | nextanim |
Show next animation on test model | nextAnim |
Show next animation frame on test model | nextFrame |
Teleport player to the next func_static with a GUI | nextGUI |
Load next map on the server | nextMap |
No clipping | noclip |
Disable collision detection for the player | noclip |
Ignored by most enemies | notarget |
Unknown | notarget |
Disable player as a target | notarget |
Unknown | overlaygui |
Print tokenized string | parse |
Unknown | parsewait |
Unknown | path |
List search paths | path |
Unknown | playcmddemo |
Play back a command demo | playCmdDemo |
Unknown | playdemo |
Play back a demo | playDemo |
Unknown | playermodel |
Set the given model on the player | playerModel [model name] |
Milliseconds the player can go without air before damage starts | pm_air [number] |
x/y size of player’s bounding box | pm_bboxwidth |
Unknown | pm_bobpitch |
Unknown | pm_bobroll |
Unknown | pm_bobup |
Bob much faster when crouched | pm_crouchbob |
Height of player’s bounding box while crouched | pm_crouchheight [number] |
Time it takes for player’s view to change from standing to crouching | pm_crouchrate [number] |
Speed the player can move while crouched | pm_crouchspeed [number] |
Height of player’s view while crouched | pm_crouchviewheight [number] |
Height of player’s bounding box while dead | pm_deadheight [number] |
Height of player’s view while dead | pm_deadviewheight [number] |
Approximate height the player can jump | pm_jumpheight [number] |
Amount player’s view can look down | pm_maxviewpitch [number] |
Amount player’s view can look up; negative values are up | pm_minviewpitch [number] |
Draw camera from POV of player model; 1 = always, 2 = when dead | pm_modelView [1 or 2] |
Speed the player can move while in noclip | pm_noclipspeed [number] |
Height of player’s bounding box while standing | pm_normalheight [number] |
Height of player’s view while standing | pm_normalviewheight [number] |
Bob faster when running | pm_runbob |
Unknown | pm_runpitch |
Unknown | pm_runroll |
Speed the player can move while running | pm_runspeed [number] |
Size of the spectator bounding box | pm_spectatebbox [number] |
Speed the player can move while spectating | pm_spectatespeed [number] |
Length of time player can run | pm_stamina [number] |
Rate that player regains stamina; divide pm_stamina by this number to determine how to fully recharge. | pm_staminarate [number] |
When stamina is below this value, player slows to a walk | pm_staminathreshold [number] |
Maximum height player can step up without jumping | pm_stepsize [number] |
Third person view | pm_thirdPerson |
Toggle third person view | pm_thirdperson [0 or 1] |
Direction of camera from player in third person in degrees; 0 = behind player, 180 = in front | pm_thirdPersonAngle [0-180] |
Clip third person view into world space | pm_thirdPersonClip |
Enable third person view when player dies | pm_thirdPersonDeath |
Height of camera from normal view height in third person | pm_thirdPersonHeight [number] |
Camera distance from player in third person | pm_thirdPersonRange [number] |
Use cylinder approximation instead of bounding box for player collision detection | pm_usecylinder |
Bob slowly when walking | pm_walkbob |
Player’s walking speed | pm_walkspeed [number] |
Unknown | poplight |
Remove last created light | popLight |
Unknown | prevanim |
Show previous animation on test model | prevAnim |
Show previous animation frame on test model | prevFrame |
Print an articulated figure | printAF |
Print an Audio | printAudio |
Print an email | printEmail |
Print an entity def | printEntityDef |
Print an FX system | printFX |
Print a material | printMaterial |
Unknown | printmode |
Print model info | printModel |
Print a model def | printModelDefs |
Print a particle system | printParticle |
Print a PDA | printPDA |
Unknown | printshader |
Print a skin | printSkin |
Print a sound shader | printSoundShader |
Print a table | printTable |
Print an Video | printVideo |
Prompt and set the CD Key | promptKey |
Exit game | quit |
Quit the game | quit |
Change gamma tables | r_brightness |
Set brightness level | r_brightness [number] |
arbfp1, fp30 | r_cgFragmentProfile |
arbvp1, vp20, vp30 | r_cgVertexProfile |
Compare all surface bounds with precalculated ones | r_checkBounds |
Force screen clear every frame; 1 = purple, 2 = black, R G B = custom | r_clear [1, 2, or R G B value] |
Custom screen height | r_customHeight [number] |
Custom screen width | r_customWidth [number] |
Step size of arrow cone line rotation in degrees | r_debugArrowStep [number] |
Perform depth test on debug lines | r_debugLineDepthTest |
Width of debug lines | r_debugLineWidth [number] |
Draw a filled polygon | r_debugPolygonFilled |
Used during development to show IHV’s their problems | r_demonstrateBug |
Optional display refresh rate option for vid mode | r_displayRefresh |
Force a call to glFinish() every frame | r_finish |
Scale flare deforms from the material def | r_flareSize |
Draw all images to screen after registration | r_forceLoadImages |
Draw to front buffer for debugging | r_frontBuffer |
0 = windowed, 1 = full screen | r_fullscreen [0 or 1] |
Change gamma tables | r_gamma |
Set gamma level | r_gamma [0-3] |
“opengl32”, etc. | r_glDriver [value] |
Fraction to smear across neighbors | r_hdr_bloomFraction |
Maximum light scale | r_hdr_exposure |
Monitor gamma power | r_hdr_gamma |
Random dither in monitor space | r_hdr_monitorDither |
Use a floating point rendering buffer | r_hdr_useFloats |
Random debugging without defining new vars | r_ignore |
Random debugging without defining new vars | r_ignore2 |
Ignore GL errors | r_ignoreGLErrors |
Ignore the fragment program extension | r_inhibitFragmentProgram |
Randomly subpixel jitter the projection matrix | r_jitter |
Offset of joint names when r_showskel is set to 1 | r_jointNameOffset |
Size of joint names when r_showskel is set to 1 | r_jointNameScale |
Light all the back faces, even when they would be shadowed | r_lightAllBackFaces |
All light intensities are multiplied by this | r_lightScale |
Soft-shadow sampling | r_lightSourceRadius |
Allow moving the view point without changing the composition of the scene, including culling | r_lockSurfaces |
Number of frames to emit GL logs | r_logFile |
Override all materials | r_materialOverride |
Draw only a specific level | r_megaTextureLevel |
Combine model surfaces with the same material | r_mergeModelSurfaces |
Video mode number | r_mode |
Number of antialiasing samples | r_multiSamples |
Near Z clip plane distance | r_near |
Polygon offset parameter | r_offsetfactor |
Polygon offset parameter | r_offsetunits |
Perform index reorganization to optimize vertex use | r_orderIndexes |
Hardware specific renderer path to use | r_renderer |
Scale factor for jitter bias | r_sb_biasScale |
Oversize FOV for point light side matching | r_sb_frustomFOV |
Scale factor for jitter offset | r_sb_jitterScale |
Pixel dimensions for each shadow buffer, 64 – 2048 | r_sb_lightResolution |
Use GL_LINEAR instead of GL_NEAREST on shadow maps | r_sb_linearFilter |
Do not draw any occluders | r_sb_noShadows |
0 = front faces; 1 = back faces; 2 = midway between them | r_sb_occluderFacing [0-3] |
polygonOffset factor for drawing shadow buffer | r_sb_polyOfsFactor |
polygonOffset units for drawing shadow buffer | r_sb_polyOfsUnits |
Randomly offset jitter texture each draw | r_sb_randomize |
Set to 0, 1, 4, or 16 | r_sb_samples [number] |
Build shadows in screen space instead of on surfaces | r_sb_screenSpaceShadow |
Color the pixels contained in the frustum | r_sb_showFrustumPixels |
only draw a single side (0 to 5) of points lights | r_sb_singleSide |
Cull geometry to individual side frustums | r_sb_useCulling |
Draw offscreen | r_sb_usePbuffer |
Width of screen space shadow sampling screenFraction for testing fill rate; the resolution of entire screen can be changed | r_sb_viewResolution |
Scale value for stencil shadow drawing | r_shadowPolygonFactor |
Bias value added to depth test for stencil shadow drawing | r_shadowPolygonOffset |
Enable shadows | r_shadows |
Report alloc/free counts | r_showAlloc |
Report sphere and box culling stats | r_showCull |
Report number of modeDefs and lightDefs in view | r_showDefs |
Report reads and writes to the demo file | r_showDemo |
Display contents of the depth buffer and the depth range | r_showDepth |
Draw lines from vertexes to center of dominant triangles | r_showDominantTri |
Report stats on dynamic surface generation | r_showDynamic |
Draw the sil edges | r_showEdges |
Show entity scissor rectangles | r_showEntityScissors |
1 = show all images instead of rendering, 2 = show in proportional size | r_showImages [0-2] |
Draw screen colors based on intensity; red = 0, green = 128, blue = 255 | r_showIntensity [number] |
1 = show frustum for each interaction, 2 = also draw lines to light origin, 3 = also draw entity bbox | r_showInteractionFrustums [0-3] |
Report interaction generation activity | r_showInteractions |
1 = show screen rectangle which contains the interaction frustum, 2 = also draw construction lines | r_showInteractionScissors [0-2] |
1 = colors surfaces based on light count, 2 = also count everything through walls, 3 = also print overdraw | r_showLightCount [0-3] |
1 = just print volumes numbers, highlighting ones covering the view, 2 = also draw planes of each volume, 3 = also draw edges of each volume | r_showLights [0-3] |
Report scale factor applied to drawing for overbrights | r_showLightScale |
Show light scissor rectangles | r_showLightScissors |
Display all the level images | r_showMegaTexture |
Draw colored blocks in each tile | r_showMegaTextureLabels |
Print frame memory utilization | r_showMemory |
Draw wireframe normals | r_showNormals |
1 = geometry overdraw, 2 = light interaction overdraw, 3 = geometry and light interaction overdraw | r_showOverDraw [0-3] |
Draw portal outlines in color based on passed/not passed | r_showPortals |
Report drawsurf/index/vertex counts | r_showPrimitives |
Color screen based on shadow volume depth complexity, 2 or greater = print overdraw count based on stencil index values, 3 = only show turboshadows, 4 = only show static shadows | r_showShadowCount [0-4] |
1 = visualize the stencil shadow volumes, 2 = draw filled in | r_showShadows [0-2] |
Highlight edges that are casting shadow planes | r_showSilhouette |
Draw skeleton when model animates, 1 = draw model with skeleton, 2 = draw skeleton only | r_showSkel [0-2] |
Show which end (front or back) is blocking | r_showSmp |
Show surface material name under crosshair | r_showSurfaceInfo |
Report surface/light/shadow counts | r_showSurfaces |
Shade triangles by tangent space; 1 = use 1st tangent vector, 2 = use 2nd tangent vector, 3 = use normal vector | r_showTangentSpace [0-3] |
Shade triangles by texture area polarity | r_showTexturePolarity |
If greater than 0, draw each triangles texture (tangent) vectors | r_showTextureVectors [number] |
Show intersection of an eye trace with the world | r_showTrace |
Enable wireframe rendering of the world; 1 = only draw visible ones, 2 = draw all front facing, 3 = draw all | r_showTris [0-3] |
if 1, put all nVidia register combiner programming in display lists | r_showUnsmoothedTangents [0-1] |
Report entity and light updates and ref counts | r_showUpdates |
Unknown | r_showVertexCache |
Draw all triangles with the solid vertex color | r_showVertexColor |
1 = displays the bounding boxes of all view models, 2 = print index numbers | r_showViewEntitys [0-2] |
Only draw the portal area the view is actually in | r_singleArea |
Suppress all but one entity | r_singleEntity |
Suppress all but one light | r_singleLight |
Suppress all but one surface on each entity | r_singleSurface |
Only draw a single triangle per primitive | r_singleTriangle |
Bypass all non-interaction drawing | r_skipAmbient |
Do not draw anything | r_skipBackEnd |
Skip all blend lights | r_skipBlendLights |
Use flat surface instead of the bump map | r_skipBump |
Do all rendering, but do not actually copyTexSubImage2D | r_skipCopyTexture |
Leave all deform materials in their original state | r_skipDeforms |
Use black for diffuse | r_skipDiffuse |
Do not dynamically create textures | r_skipDynamicTextures |
Skip all fog lights | r_skipFogLights |
Bypass all front end work, but 2D GUI rendering still draws | r_skipFrontEnd |
1 = skip all gui elements on surfaces, 2 = skip drawing but still handle events, 3 = draw but skip events | r_skipGuiShaders [0-3] |
Skip all light/surface interaction drawing | r_skipInteractions |
Do not do any post-interaction light scaling | r_skipLightScale |
Only use the lowest level image | r_skipMegaTexture |
Bypass all vertex/fragment program ambient drawing | r_skipNewAmbient |
Skip overlay surfaces | r_skipOverlays |
1 = skip all particle systems | r_skipParticles [0-1] |
Skip all post-process renderings | r_skipPostProcess |
Skip 3D rendering, but pass 2D | r_skipRender |
Null the rendering context during backend 3D rendering | r_skipRenderContext |
Skip ROQ decoding | r_skipROQ |
Use black for specular1 | r_skipSpecular |
1 = don’t render any GUI elements on surfaces | r_skipSubviews [0 or 1] |
Ignore the per-view suppressions | r_skipSuppress |
Skip the translucent interaction rendering | r_skipTranslucent |
1 = do not accept any entity or light updates, making everything static | r_skipUpdates [0 or 1] |
Merge normals that dot less than this | r_slopNormal [number] |
Merge texture coordinates this far apart | r_slopTexCoord [number] |
Merge xyz coordinates this far apart | r_slopVertex [number] |
1 = do not render main view, allowing subviews to be debugged | r_subviewOnly [0 or 1] |
Changes wglSwapIntarval | r_swapInterval |
Vertically scale USGS data | r_terrainScale |
Experiment with vertex/fragment programs | r_testARBProgram |
if over 0, draw a grid pattern to test gamma levels | r_testGamma [number] |
if over 0 draw a grid pattern to test gamma levels | r_testGammaBias [number] |
if over 0 draw a grid pattern to test gamma levels | r_testStepGamma [number] |
Cache snapshots of dynamic models | r_useCachedDynamicModels |
0 = full screen when near clipped, 1 = exact when near clipped, 2 = exact always | r_useClippedLightScissors [0-2] |
Put all nVidia register combiner programming in display lists | r_useCombinerDisplayLists |
Use pre-calculated material registers if possible | r_useConstantMaterials |
0 = none, 1 = sphere, 2 = sphere and box | r_useCulling [0-2] |
Defer tangents calculations after deform | r_useDeferredTangents |
Use depth bounds test to reduce shadow fill | r_useDepthBoundsTest |
If 0, issue the callback immediately at update time, rather than deferring | r_useEntityCallbacks [number] |
0 = none, 1 = box | r_useEntityCulling [0 or 1] |
1 = Use custom scissor rectangle for each entity | r_useEntityScissors [0 or 1] |
1 = skip drawing caps when outside the light volume, 2 = force to no caps for testing | r_useExternalShadows [0-2] |
if not 0, force the view frustum far distance to this distance | r_useFrustumFarDistance [number] |
Use ARB_vertex_buffer_object for indexes | r_useIndexBuffers |
Use the no-far-clip-plane trick | r_useInfiniteFarZ |
1 = cull interactions | r_useInteractionCulling [0 or 1] |
1 = use a custom scissor rectangle for each shadow interaction, 2 = also crop using portal scissors | r_useInteractionScissors [0-2] |
Create a full entityDefs * lightDefs table to make finding interactions faster | r_useInteractionTable |
0 = none, 1 = box, 2 = exact clip of polyhedron faces, 3 = also areas | r_useLightCulling [0 or 3] |
Use a more precise area reference determination | r_useLightPortalFlow |
1 = use custom scissor rectangle for each light | r_useLightScissors [0 or 1] |
Stop pushing reference bounds early when possible | r_useNodeCommonChildren |
Use pass optimization for mono lights | r_useNV20MonoLights |
Use the dmap generated static shadow volumes | r_useOptimizedShadows |
1 = use portals to perform area culling, otherwise draw everything | r_usePortals [0 or 1] |
1 = do winding clipping to determine if each ambiguous tri should be lit | r_usePreciseTriangleInteractions [0 or 1] |
Scissor clip as portals and lights are processed | r_useScissor |
Try to cull shadows from partially visible lights | r_useShadowCulling |
Discard triangles outside light volume before shadowing | r_useShadowProjectedCull |
Scissor shadows by the scissor rect of the interaction surfaces | r_useShadowSurfaceScissor |
Do the shadow projection in the vertex program on capable cards | r_useShadowVertexProgram |
Consider verts with the same XYZ, but different ST the same for shadows | r_useSilRemap |
Avoid redundant state changes in GL_*() calls | r_useStateCaching |
Cards with 3+ texture units do a two pass instead of three pass | r_useTripleTextureARB |
Use infinite projection with W technique for dynamic shadows | r_useTurboShadow |
Do stencil shadows in one pass with different ops on each side | r_useTwoSidedStencil |
Use ARB_vertex_buffer_object for vertexes | r_useVertexBuffers |
Show rigid bodies that are not at rest | rb_showActive |
Show rigid bodies | rb_showBodies |
Show the inertia tensor of each rigid body | rb_showInertia |
Show the mass of each rigid body | rb_showMass |
Show rigid body cpu usage | rb_showTimings |
Show the velocity of each rigid body | rb_showVelocity |
Unknown | recordcmddemo |
Start recording game demo | recorddemo |
Record a demo | recordDemo |
Record current view position with notes | recordViewNotes |
Unknown | reexportmodels |
Re-exports models | reexportmodels |
Respawn all dead enemies and destroyed objects | regenerateworld |
Regenerates all interactions | regenerateWorld |
Unknown | reload |
Unknown | reloadanims |
Reload animations | reloadanims |
Reload ARB programs | reloadARBprograms |
Reload CG programs | reloadCgPrograms |
Reload decls | reloadDecls |
Reload engine down to including the file system | reloadEngine |
Unknown | reloadentitydefs |
Unknown | reloadfx |
Unknown | reloadguis |
Reload GUIs | reloadGuis |
Unknown | reloadimages |
Reload images | reloadImages |
Reload language dict | reloadLanguage |
Unknown | reloadmodels |
Reload models | reloadModels |
Reload scripts | reloadScript |
Unknown | reloadshaders |
Unknown | reloadsounds |
Reload all sounds | reloadSounds |
Unknown | reloadsoundshaders |
Reload the decl and images for selected surface | reloadSurface |
Remove an entity | remove |
Unknown | removeline |
Remove a debug line | removeline |
Unknown | renderbump |
Render a bump map | renderbump |
Unknown | renderbumpflat |
Render a flat bump map | renderbumpFlat |
Check all referenced images for duplications | reportImageDuplication |
List all used materials sorted by surface area | reportSurfaceAreas |
Rescan serverinfo cvars and tell game | rescanSI |
Unknown | reset |
Reset a cvar | reset |
Unknown | roq |
Encode a roq file | roq |
Unknown | runaas |
Compile an AAS file for a map | runAAS |
Compile AAS files for all maps in a folder | runAASDir |
Unknown | runreach |
Calculate reachability for an AAS file | runReach |
Unknown | s_cacheinfo |
Unknown | s_cacheinvalidate |
Unknown | s_constantAmplitude |
Reduce sound volume with this distance when going through a door | s_doorDistanceAdd [number] |
Unknown | s_dotbias2 |
Unknown | s_dotbias6 |
Unknown | s_drawSounds |
Unknown | s_force22kHz |
Volume to all speakers when not spatialized | s_globalFraction |
Unknown | s_maxSoundsPerShader |
Unknown | s_meterTopTime |
Unknown | s_minVolume2 |
Unknown | s_minVolume6 |
Unknown | s_musictrack |
Unknown | s_noSound |
Set number of speakers | s_numberOfSpeakers [number] |
Play beep for missing sounds | s_playDefaultSound |
Unknown | s_quadraticFalloff |
Unknown | s_realTimeDecoding |
Unknown | s_restart |
Restart the sound system | s_restart |
Unknown | s_reverse |
Unknown | s_showLevelMeter |
Toggle sound level display | s_showlevelmeter 1 |
Unknown | s_showStartSound |
mute All sounds but this emitter | s_singleEmitter |
Unknown | s_spatializationDecay |
Set volume to subwoofer in Dolby 5.1 | s_subFraction [number] |
Unknown | s_useOcclusion |
Set sound volume; default is 0 | s_volume_db [number] |
Set volume in dB | s_volume_dB [number] |
Save a game | saveGame |
Save all lights to the .map file | saveLights |
Save all moveables to the .map file | saveMoveables |
Save all lights to the .map file | saveParticles |
Save all ragdoll poses to the .map file | saveRagdolls |
Save the selected entity to the .map file | saveSelected |
Text chat | say |
Send message to everyone in multi-player | say [message] |
Team text chat | sayTeam |
Unknown | screenshot |
Take a screenshot | screenshot |
Unknown | script |
Execute a line of script | script |
Mouse view sensitivity | sensitivity |
Force all players ready | serverForceReady |
Show server info | serverInfo |
Restart current game | serverMapRestart |
Change to next map | serverNextMap |
Unknown | set |
Set a cvar | set |
Unknown | seta |
Set a cvar and flags it as archive | seta |
Detect system capabilities and sets com_machineSpec to appropriate value | setMachineSpec |
Unknown | sets |
Set a cvar and flags it as server info | sets |
Unknown | setstepgamma |
Set a cvar and flags it as tool | sett |
Unknown | setu |
Set a cvar and flags it as user info | setu |
Unknown | setviewpos |
Set the current view position | setviewpos |
Show memory used by dictionaries | showDictMemory |
Show memory used by interactions | showInteractionMemory |
Show memory used by strings | showStringMemory |
Show memory used by triangle surfaces | showTriSurfMemory |
Show any view notes for the current map, successive calls will cycle to the next note | showViewNotes |
Frag limit | si_fragLimit |
Set game type to: singleplayer, deathmatch, tourney, team dm or last man | si_gameType [value] |
Map to be played next on server | si_map [map name] |
Engine version | si_version |
Do pre-game warmup | si_warmup |
Resize screen to smaller view | sizedown |
Make the rendered view smaller | sizeDown |
Resize screen to larger view; no effect if in fullscreen | sizeup |
Make the rendered view larger | sizeUp |
Spawn a game entity | spawn |
Spawn indicated model | spawn [object name] |
Unknown | spawnserver |
Spawn a server | spawnServer |
Prepare to make a build | startBuild |
Display game status | status |
Stop recording game demo | stoprecording |
Stop demo recording | stopRecording |
Unknown | sys_arch |
Unknown | sys_cpustring |
Unknown | sys_lang |
Take notes about the current map from the current view | takeViewNotes |
Extended take view notes | takeViewNotes2 |
Teleport player to an entity location | teleport |
Unknown | testanim |
Test an animation | testAnim |
Unknown | testblend |
Test animation blending | testBlend |
Test an FX system bound to a joint | testBoneFx |
Unknown | testbump |
Unknown | testdamage |
Test a damage def | testDamage |
Test death | testDeath |
Unknown | testfx |
Test an FX system | testFx |
Unknown | testgui |
Test a GUI | testGUI |
Unknown | testimage |
Display given image centered on screen | testImage |
Unknown | testlight |
Test a light | testLight |
Unknown | testmap |
Test a map | testmap |
Unknown | testmodel |
Test a model | testModel |
Unknown | testparticle |
Test particle stop time on a test model | testParticleStopTime |
Test a point light | testPointLight |
Write out a test savegame | testSave |
Test a save game for a level | testSaveGame |
Unknown | testshader |
Set a shaderParm on an existing testModel | testShaderParm |
Unknown | testsimd |
Test SIMD code | testSIMD |
Test a skin on an existing testModel | testSkin |
Test a sound | testSound |
Unknown | testtrace |
Display given cinematic | testVideo [name] |
Unknown | testwipe |
Time a command demo | timeCmdDemo |
Time a demo | timeDemo |
Benchmark test | timedemo demo1.demo |
Time a demo and quits | timeDemoQuit |
Scales the time | timescale [number] |
Unknown | toggle |
Toggle a cvar | toggle |
Touch a decl | touch |
Unknown | touchfile |
Touch a file | touchFile |
Touch a list of files | touchFileList |
Unknown | touchfx |
Unknown | touchgui |
Touch a gui | touchGui |
Unknown | touchmaterial |
Unknown | touchmodel |
Touch a model | touchModel |
Unknown | touchparticle |
Unknown | touchskin |
Unknown | touchsound |
Trigger an entity | trigger |
Auto reload weapon | ui_autoReload |
Auto switch weapon | ui_autoSwitch |
Player name | ui_name |
Player is ready to start playing | ui_ready |
Show gun | ui_showGun |
Player skin | ui_skin |
Play or spectate | ui_spectate |
Player team | ui_team |
Unknown | unbind |
Unbind any command from a key | unbind |
Unknown | unbindall |
Unbind any command from all keys | unbindall |
Unbind selected ragdoll | unbindRagdoll [name] |
Cause sync down of game-modified userinfo | updateUI |
Update to previously entered screen resize code | vid_restart |
Restart renderSystem | vid_restart |
Unknown | vstr |
Insert the current value of a cvar as command text | vstr |
Delay remaining buffered commands one or more frames | wait |
Advance to next weapon slot | weapnext |
Unknown | weapon |
Puts bloodsplat on your gun | weaponsplat |
Project blood splat on the player weapon | weaponSplat |
Return to previous weapon slot | weapprev |
Show location and map name | where |
Print current view position | where |
Allow multiple instances running concurrently | win_allowMultipleInstances |
Disable Windows task keys | win_notaskkeys |
Unknown | win_outputDebugString |
Unknown | win_outputEditString |
Allow game to be updated while dragging window | win_timerUpdate |
Windows user name | win_username |
Unknown | win_viewlog |
Horizontal position of window | win_xpos |
Vertical position of window commands | win_ypos |
Write a command demo | writeCmdDemo |
Unknown | writeconfig |
Write a config file | writeConfig |
Write game state | writeGameState |
Unknown | writeprecache |
Write precache | writePrecache |
Unknown | _attack |
Unknown | _back |
Unknown | aas_goalArea |
Unknown | aas_pullPlayer |
Unknown | aas_randomPullPlayer |
Unknown | aas_showAreas |
Unknown | aas_showFlyPath |
Unknown | aas_showHideArea |
Unknown | aas_showPath |
Unknown | aas_showPushIntoArea |
Unknown | aas_showWallEdges |
Unknown | aas_test |
Unknown | aasstats |
Unknown | addline |
Unknown | centerview |
Unknown | blinkline |
Unknown | bind |
Unknown | bindlist |
Unknown | clearlights |
Unknown | clientVoiceChat |
Unknown | clientVoiceChat |
Unknown | cm_testAngle |
Unknown | cm_testBox |
Unknown | cm_testBoxRotation |
Unknown | cm_testCollision |
Unknown | cm_testLength |
Unknown | cm_testModel |
Unknown | cm_testOrigin |
Unknown | cm_testRadius |
Unknown | cm_testRandomMany |
Unknown | cm_testReset |
Unknown | cm_testRotation |
Unknown | cm_testTimes |
Unknown | cm_testWalk |
Unknown | collisionmodelinfo |
Unknown | com_aviDemoHeight |
Unknown | com_aviDemoSamples |
Unknown | com_aviDemoTics |
Unknown | com_aviDemoWidth |
Unknown | com_compressDemos |
Unknown | com_fixedTic |
Unknown | com_minTics |
Unknown | com_logDemos |
Unknown | com_preloadDemos |
Unknown | com_showAngles |
Unknown | com_showDemo |
Unknown | com_showTics |
Unknown | com_skipGameDraw |
Unknown | com_wipeSeconds |
Unknown | combinecubeimages |
Unknown | compressdemo |
Unknown | condump |
Unknown | connect |
Unknown | cvarlist |
Unknown | dirtyfeet |
Unknown | dmap |
Unknown | echo |
Unknown | r_vertexBufferMegs |
Unknown | radiant_ALTEdgeDrag |
Unknown | fs_basepath |
Unknown | fs_caseSensitiveOS |
Unknown | fs_cdpath |
Unknown | fs_copyfiles |
Unknown | fs_debug |
Unknown | fs_devpath |
Unknown | fs_game |
Unknown | fs_restrict |
Unknown | fs_savepath |
Unknown | radiant_AngleSpeed |
Unknown | radiant_Autosave |
Unknown | radiant_AutosaveMinutes |
Unknown | radiant_camerawindow |
Unknown | radiant_CamXYUpdate |
Unknown | radiant_ChaseMouse |
Unknown | radiant_CubicClipping |
Unknown | radiant_CubicScale |
Unknown | radiant_entityMode |
Unknown | radiant_EntityShow |
Unknown | radiant_HiColorTextures |
Unknown | radiant_InspectorDockedDialogs |
Unknown | radiant_InspectorsWindow |
Unknown | radiant_LastMap |
Unknown | radiant_LastProject |
Unknown | radiant_LoadLast |
Unknown | radiant_LoadLastMap |
Unknown | radiant_LoadShaders |
Unknown | radiant_MainWindowPlace |
Unknown | radiant_ModelPath |
Unknown | radiant_MoveSpeed |
Unknown | radiant_NewFaceGrab |
Unknown | radiant_NewLightStyle |
Unknown | radiant_NewMapFormat |
Unknown | radiant_NewRightClick |
Unknown | radiant_NewTextureWindowStuff |
Unknown | radiant_NewVertex |
Unknown | radiant_NoClamp |
Unknown | radiant_NoStipple |
Unknown | radiant_QE4Paint |
Unknown | radiant_QE4StyleWindows |
Unknown | radiant_RadiantMapPath |
Unknown | radiant_RotateLock |
Unknown | radiant_Rotation |
Unknown | radiant_RunBefore |
Unknown | radiant_SavedInfo |
Unknown | radiant_SelectWholeEntitiesKey |
Unknown | radiant_SizePainting |
Unknown | radiant_Snapshots |
Unknown | radiant_SnapT |
Unknown | radiant_StatusPointSize |
Unknown | radiant_SwitchClipKey |
Unknown | radiant_TextureLock |
Unknown | radiant_TextureQuality |
Unknown | radiant_TextureScale |
Unknown | radiant_TextureScrollbar |
Unknown | radiant_texwindow |
Unknown | radiant_UndoLevels |
Unknown | radiant_UseDisplayLists |
Unknown | radiant_UseGLLighting |
Unknown | radiant_UseTextureBar |
Unknown | radiant_WideToolBar |
Unknown | radiant_xywindow |
Unknown | radiant_XZVIS |
Unknown | radiant_xzwindow |
Unknown | radiant_YZVIS |
Unknown | radiant_yzwindow |
Unknown | radiant_ZClipBottom |
Unknown | radiant_ZClipEnabled |
Unknown | radiant_ZClipTop |
Unknown | radiant_ZVIS |
Unknown | radiant_zwindow |
Unknown | g_blobSize |
Unknown | g_blobTime |
Unknown | error |
Unknown | EntityPlacement |
Unknown | envshot |
Unknown | exec |
Unknown | exportmodels |
Unknown | fillrate |
Unknown | flashlight |
Unknown | focussoundseditor |
Unknown | g_debugCinematic |
Unknown | g_debugDamage |
Unknown | g_debugMove |
Unknown | g_debugMover |
Unknown | g_debugScript |
Unknown | g_debugTriggers |
Unknown | g_debugWeapon |
Unknown | g_dragShowSelection |
Unknown | g_dropItemRotation |
Unknown | g_dvAmplitude |
Unknown | g_dvFrequency |
Unknown | g_dvTime |
Unknown | g_exportMask |
Unknown | g_fov |
Unknown | g_gravity |
Unknown | g_gunX |
Unknown | g_gunY |
Unknown | g_gunZ |
Unknown | g_kickAmplitude |
Unknown | g_kickTime |
Unknown | g_knockback |
Unknown | g_maxShowDistance |
Unknown | g_monsters |
Unknown | g_showCollisionModels |
Unknown | g_showCollisionTraces |
Unknown | g_showCollisionWorld |
Unknown | g_showEntityInfo |
Unknown | g_showHud |
Unknown | g_showviewpos |
Unknown | g_skill |
Unknown | g_skipFX |
Unknown | g_skipParticles |
Unknown | g_showPVS |
Unknown | g_vehicleForce |
Unknown | g_vehicleVelocity |
Unknown | g_viewNodalX |
Unknown | g_viewNodalZ |
Unknown | g_stopTime |
Unknown | g_testDeath |
Unknown | g_testHealthVision |
Unknown | give |
Unknown | gui_configServerRate |
Unknown | gui_debug |
Unknown | gui_edit |
Unknown | gui_mediumFontLimit |
Unknown | gui_smallFontLimit |
Note: This code must be activated after each stage loading sequence.
Monster names
Use one of the following values with the ” spawn [monster name]” code:
Result | Monster name |
Cyberdemon | monster_boss_cyberdemon |
Guardian | monster_boss_guardian |
Guardian’s Seeker | monster_boss_guardian_seeker |
Sabaoth | monster_boss_sabaoth |
Vagary | monster_boss_vagary |
Archvile | monster_demon_archvile |
Cherub | monster_demon_cherub |
Hellknight | monster_demon_hellknight |
Imp | monster_demon_imp |
Maggot | monster_demon_maggot |
Mancubus | monster_demon_mancubus |
Pinky | monster_demon_pinky |
Revenant | monster_demon_revenant |
Tick | monster_demon_tick |
Trite | monster_demon_trite |
Wraith | monster_demon_wraith |
Zombie wth flashlight | monster_zombie_ maint_flashlight |
Flaming Zombie | monster_zombie_bernie |
Commando Zombie | monster_zombie_commando |
Commando Zombie with chaingun | monster_zombie_commando_cgun |
Fat Zombie with wrench | monster_zombie_fat_wrench |
Fat Zombie | monster_zombie_fat2 |
Zombie in jumpsuit | monster_zombie_jumpsuit |
Zombie eating | monster_zombie_jumpsuit_eating |
Zombie in labcoat | monster_zombie_labcoat |
Zombie missing limb | monster_zombie_limb |
Zombie | monster_zombie_maint |
Bald zombie | monster_zombie_maint_bald |
Zombie with no jaw | monster_zombie_maint_nojaw |
Skinny zombie | monster_zombie_maint_skinny |
Zombie with Wrench | monster_zombie_maint_wrench |
Zombie | monster_zombie_maint2 |
Zombie with a pipe | monster_zombie_pipe |
Chainsaw zombie | monster_zombie_sawyer |
Skinny zombie | monster_zombie_skinny |
Bloody mouthed zombie | monster_zombie_suit_bloodymouth |
Headless zombie | monster_zombie_suit_neckstump |
Skinny zombie in suit | monster_zombie_suit_skinny |
Bald Zombie in T-shirt | monster_zombie_tshirt_bald |
Zombie in T-shirt | monster_zombie_tshirt_blown |
Z-sec Zombie with machine gun | monster_zombie_zsec_machinegun |
Z-sec Zombie with pistol | monster_zombie_zsec_pistol |
Z-sec Zombie with shield | monster_zombie_zsec_shield |
Z-sec Zombie with shotgun | monster_zombie_zsec_shotgun |
Other names
Use one of the following values with the ” spawn [name]” code:
Result | Name |
Adrenaline | powerup_adrenaline |
Megahealth | powerup_megahealth |
Invisibility | powerup_invisibility |
Weapon names
Use one of the following entries with the ” give [item name]” code:
- weapon_chaingun
- weapon_grenade
- weapon_pistol
- weapon_soulcube
Ammunition names
Use one of the following entries with the ” give [item name]” code:
- ammo_bfg_small
- ammo_belt_small
- ammo_clip_small
- ammo_bullets_small
- ammo_cells_small
- ammo_rockets_small
- ammo_shells_small
- ammo_grenage_small
- ammo_clip_large
- ammo_bullets_large
- ammo_cells_large
- ammo_rockets_large
- ammo_shells_large
Item names
Use one of the following values with the ” give [item name]” code:
- pda admin_banks
- pda admin_dorweiler
- pda admin_moses
- pda admin_simons
- pda alphalabs1_berger
- pda alphalabs1_krietman
- pda alphalabs1_lipsitz
- pda alphalabs1_smith
- pda alphalabs2_chin
- pda alphalabs2_connors
- pda alphalabs3_abrams
- pda alphalabs3_lamia
- pda alphalabs3_nelson
- pda alphalabs3_poota
- pda alphalabs4_kaczynski
- pda caverns1_cody
- pda comm1_blake
- pda comm1_finch
- pda comm1_wolfe
- pda comm1_wolfe
- pda commoutside_holiday
- pda commoutside_ridge
- pda cpu_bates
- pda cpu_haskell
- pda cpuboss_tooloose
- pda delta1_mora
- pda delta1_price
- pda delta2a_cinders
- pda delta2a_raleigh
- pda delta2a_wilson
- pda delta2b_bullman
- pda delta2b_erikson
- pda delta2b_mcneil
- pda delta2b_stemmons
- pda delta3_cerano
- pda delta3_lee
- pda delta3_shultz
- pda delta4_gilbert
- pda delta5_jackson
- pda delta5_swann
- pda enpro_chasar
- pda enpro_hammer
- pda enpro_raad
- pda hell_garlick
- pda hell_hebert
- pda marscity2_caseon
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- video demon_museum
- video epd (download videodisc with content) video hydrocon
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- video ipn_news
- video mfs
- video plasmagun
- video recycling
- video soulcube
- video tablets
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