Battle for Azeroth is the seventh expansion for the MMORPG World of Warcraft. The DLC was released in 2018 and takes place immediately after the events of Legion. At release, the DLC received mixed reviews from players. Criticism for the game’s Island Expeditions, Azerite armor and traits, and poor story were voiced. Despite these comments, the addition was nominated for multiple industry awards and won the Fan Favorite MMORPG award at the Gamers’ Choice Awards.
With Legion being a fan favorite DLC and considered one of the best in WOW’s history, BFA was a letdown for many players. While not the worst, the new route the devs seemed to be taking wasn’t well received.
World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth Premise
Battle for Azeroth takes place right after the events of the previous DLC, Legion. The Alliance and Horde once again have conflict revolving around the new material, Azerite. Both sides realize its power and fear the other will use it against them. The conflict begins with the War of Thorns when Sylvanas Windrunner attempts to control the Night Elf lands of Ashenvale and Darkshore.
Players must continue the battle and fight for their faction. Depending on if the player character is on Horde or Alliance, there will be different story missions and perspectives.
World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth Main Characters
World of Warcraft is filled with unique characters as thousands of players are on the servers. While you will connect and play with these players, notable NPCs will also help you along the way. These NPCs will give quests, offer rewards, and push the story.
- Sylvanas Windrunner
- Anduin Wrynn
- Jaina Proudmoore
- Vol’jin
- Varok Saurfang
- Baine Bloodhoof
- Thrall
- Katherine Proudmoore
- Taelia Fordragon
- Derek Proudmoore
- Rastakhan
- Princess Talanji
- Prophet Zul
- Lady Priscilla Ashvane
- Gorak Tul
- G’huun
- Emperor Korthek
- Lord Stormsong
- Queen Azshara
- N’Zoth
- King Mechagon
World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth Video Games in the Series
The Warcraft series is one of the most well known and important series in video games. World of Warcraft is their most notable title and is the most successful online MMORPG of all time. The highest player count in the game was 12 million players in 2010. The titles of the series are as follows:
- Warcraft: Orcs & Humans (1994)
- Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness (1995)
- Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal (1996)
- Warcraft III: Reigns of Chaos (2002)
- Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (2003)
- World of Warcraft (2004)
- World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade (2007)
- World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (2008)
- World of Warcraft: Cataclysm (2010)
- World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria (2012)
- Hearthstone (2014)
- World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor (2014)
- World of Warcraft: Legion (2016)
- World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth (2018)
- World of Warcraft Classic (2019)
- World of Warcraft III: Reforged (2020)
- World of Warcraft: Shadowlands (2020)
- World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Classic (2021)
- World of Warcraft: The Wrath of the Lich King Classic (2022)
- World of Warcraft: Dragonflight (2022)
World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth Cheat Codes
There are no cheat codes for Battle for Azeroth, but players can use plenty of console commands to help them throughout their journey. Console commands can change everything from the camera view to text font and size.
The console will be turned off by default. To add the console, go to your options menu for the game in the Blizzard client. From there, look for “command line arguments”. Add the line “-dev – console” to the command line. Once in the game, you can use the console by clicking the tilde key (~).
Startup Commands
Command | Effect |
accountList | Saves multiple account names for login screen |
accountName | Saves 1 account name for login screen |
accounttype | Saves what account type the user is playing on Wow, BC, LK or CT |
blizzcon | Used by Blizzard to prevent tampering on Blizzcon computers |
checkAddonVersion | Disable loading of out of date addons |
coresDetected | # of CPU cores detected |
expansionMovie | Display Cataclysm intro at startup (This variable is reset to 0 after the video has been shown) |
installType | Retail/Beta/PTR |
lastCharacterIndex | Number of last character that was used for logging in (initial selection for character screen) |
locale | Game language code (e.g. “enGB”, “enUS”, “deDE”, “frFR” …) |
heapAllocTracking | Enables/disables allocation tracking & dumping in SMemMalloc |
movie | Display intro movie at startup (doesn’t work in Burning Crusade game client) |
movieSubtitle | Display subtitles for intro movies |
readContest | Whether the user has accepted the PTR contest rules |
readEULA | Whether the user has accepted the EULA |
readScanning | Whether the user has accepted the system scanning terms |
readTOS | Whether the user has accepted the Terms of Use |
realmList | Realm list server to use |
realmListbn | realm list server to use |
showToolsUI | Enable the WoW Launcher |
timingMethod | Sets the CPU timing method used. 0 is none, 1 is normal precision(fps limited to 64), 2 is high precision |
patchlist | Address of wow patch server |
processAffinityMask | Which processor core to start WoW on |
Drop Down Menu
Command | Effect |
help | Displays help and information for any command. (Eg. Help debug) |
fontcolor | Console Font Color |
bgcolor | Backdrop color |
highlightcolor | Console text highlight color |
fontsize | Font Size |
font | Name of Font to use in console |
consolelines | Name of Font to use in the console |
clear | clears all console text |
proportionaltext | Spaces text out to cover the entire screen (E x a m p l e !) |
spacing | specifies inter-character spacing in pixels |
settings | lists current console settings |
default | returns console to default settings |
closeconsole | closes console |
repeat | repeats a command when entered |
cvarlist | lists all cvars with their current & default settings |
cvar_default | sets all cvars to their defaults |
cvar_reset | resets file to the settings you use when you log in for the first time |
Command | Effect |
assistAttack | Start attacking automatically after using /assist |
autoClearAFK | Clear AFK upon movement |
autoDismount | Dismount when trying to use an ability |
autoDismountFlying | Dismounts with flying |
AutoInteract | Right-click to move |
autoRangedCombat | Automatically switch between ranged and melee attack |
autoSelfCast | Automatic self-casting |
autoStand | Stand up when trying to use an ability |
autoUnshift | Unshift/Unstealth/Leave shadow-form when using an ability only usable “unshifted” [Introduced in Patch 2.3] |
deselectOnClick | Sticky targeting |
enableWowMouse | Enables the Steelseries Gaming Mouse |
Joystick | Enable Joysticks |
mouseInvertPitch | Invert up-down mouse motion |
mouseInvertYaw | Invert left-right mouse motion |
mouseSpeed | Mouse speed |
stopAutoAttackOnTargetChange | Stop attacking when switching targets |
Command | Effect |
BlockTrades | Block trade requests |
ChatBubbles | Enable chat bubbles |
ChatBubblesParty | Enable party chat bubbles |
colorChatNamesByClass | name will change to a color to match their class. default is 0. |
CombatDamage | Enable damage display over target |
CombatHealing | Enable healing display over target |
combatLogOn | Enable combat log |
CombatLogPeriodicSpells | Enable periodic spells in combat log |
flaggedTutorials | Enable/Disable tutorials for new players |
gameTip | Determine which Loading Screen tip will display next (increments per character Login) |
guildMemberNotify | Display notification when guild members log in or out |
lfgSelectedRoles | your current LFG role selection information |
minimapZoom | Minimap zoom level |
minimapInsideZoom | Minimap inside zoom level (return the same zoom level as Minimap:GetZoom() when in indoors) |
ObjectSelectionCircle | Size of the targeting circle (‘0’ disables) |
PetMeleeDamage | Show pet melee damage |
PetSpellDamage | Show pet spell damage |
predictedHealth | Enables the Smooth filling Health Bar (‘0’ disables) |
predictedPower | Enables the Smooth filling Energy/Mana/Rage/Runic Bar (‘0’ disables) |
profanityFilter | Enable profanity filter |
rotateMinimap | Rotate minimap |
secureAbilityToggle | Keeps players from accidentally toggling off by hitting the button more than once in a short period of time |
spamFilter | Enable spam filter |
screenshotFormat | Screenshot format |
screenshotQuality | Screenshot quality (0-10) |
showGameTips | Toggles displaying of loading screen game tips (‘0’ disables) |
showLootSpam | Show a message in the combat log with the amount of money looted when auto-looting |
ShowTargetCastbar | Show your target’s cast bar |
ShowVKeyCastbar | Show target’s cast bar under nameplates |
scriptErrors | (0/1) Whether or not the UI shows Lua errors |
statusBarText | Show the Player status bar values as text on top of the normal HP/MP/Energy/Rage bars |
synchronizeSettings | Toggles the saving of UI settings to the server (0-1) |
UberTooltips | Show “extended” tooltips |
uiScale | Interface scale |
UnitNameOwn | (0/1) Toggle Own Name |
UnitNameNPC | (0/1) Toggle NPC Name |
UnitNamePlayerGuild | (0/1) Toggle Guild Tags |
UnitNamePlayerPVPTitle | (0/1) Toggle Titles |
UnitNameFriendlyPlayerName | (0/1) Toggle Friendly Player Names |
UnitNameFriendlyPetName | (0/1) Toggle Friendly Pet Names |
UnitNameFriendlyCreationName | (0/1) Toggle Friendly Creation Names |
UnitNameEnemyPlayerName | (0/1) Toggle Enemy Player Names |
UnitNameEnemyPetName | (0/1) Toggle Enemy Pet Names |
UnitNameEnemyCreationName | (0/1) Toggle Enemy Creation Names |
UnitNameCompanionName | (0/1) Toggle Companion Names |
useUiScale | Enable interface scaling |
Command | Effect |
ChatAmbienceVolume | Volume setting for surroundings while in voice chat |
ChatMusicVolume | Volume setting for game music while in voice chat |
ChatSoundVolume | Volume setting for voice chat |
EnableMicrophone | Enables the Microphone |
EnableVoiceChat | Enables Voice Chat |
FootstepSounds | Enables/Disables footstep sound |
Sound_ChaosMode | Plays random sounds depending on what it is set to |
Sound_EnableSoftwareHRTF | Enables headphone designed sound subsystem |
Sound_VoiceChatInputDriverIndex | Device for voice input (Microphone) |
Sound_VoiceChatOutputDriverIndex | Device for voice output (Headset or secondary speakers) |
Sound_OutputDriverIndex | Audio Device Selected |
Sound_DSPBufferSize | Sound buffer size |
Sound_EnableSFX | Enables SoundFX |
Sound_EnableErrorSpeech | Enable error sounds |
Sound_EnableMusic | Enables Music |
Sound_EnableAllSound | Enables All Sound |
Sound_ListenerAtCharacter | Set sound center to player |
Sound_EnableEmoteSounds | Enable emote voices |
Sound_EnableArmorFoleySoundForSelf | Enable armor damage sounds for player |
Sound_EnableArmorFoleySoundForOthers | Enable armor damage sounds for NPCs and other PCs |
Sound_MaxCacheableSizeInBytes | Max sound size that will be cached, larger files will be streamed instead |
SoundMemoryCache | Sound cache memory size in MB |
Sound_EnableMode2 | Enables Alternate sound processing |
Sound_EnableMixMode2 | Enables and controls PCM Audio Quality |
Sound_EnableHardware | Enable Audio Hardware Acceleration |
useEnglishAudio | override the locale and use English audio |
Command | Effect |
bspcache | Binary Space Partition Caching |
componentCompress | Fixes issues with characters being fully black caused by bad/old drivers. |
componentTextureLevel | Changes the quality of player textures. Older textures seem to be unaffected. (1: low quality, 0: high quality) |
DesktopGamma | Matches Windows’ Gamma Settings |
DistCull | Sets distance for the culling of objects near farclip |
extShadowQuality | Enables Dynamic Shadows (WoW 3.0) |
environmentDetail | Controls model draw distance for doodads (WoW 3.0) |
farclip | Set detailed draw distance; sets the fog distance. Only terrain will be visible past this distance. |
farclipoverride | Allows overriding of preset limit for farclip (WoW 3.0) |
ffx | Enable all pixel shaders |
ffxDeath | Enable full screen death effect |
ffxGlow | Enable full screen glow effect |
ffxNetherWorld | Enable full screen “nether world” effect, e.g. for a Mage’s Invisibility |
ffxRectangle | Enables Widescreen Framebuffer |
ffxSpecial | Enables alternative on screen effects. (WoW 3.0 Wrath Logo Small) |
fixedFunction | Force fixed function pixel and vertex processing |
Gamma | Gamma level |
gxApi | Graphics API to use |
gxAspect | Preserve aspect ratio for windowed mode |
gxColorBits | Color bits |
gxCursor | Enable hardware cursors |
gxDepthBits | Depth bits |
gxFixLag | Smooth mouse cursor |
gxMonitor | Сhoice of main monitor that is used for game |
gxMaximize | When using windowed mode, maximize the window |
gxMultisample | Enable antialiasing (e.g. “4” for 4x multisampling) |
gxMultisampleQuality | Quality for anti-aliasing |
gxRefresh | Refresh rate in Hz |
gxResolution | Screen resolution (e.g. “1280×1024”) |
gxRestart | Restarts the graphics engine |
gxTextureCacheSize | Set the cache size |
gxTripleBuffer | Enable Triple Buffering |
gxVSync | Enable VSync |
gxWindow | Windowed mode |
horizonfarclip | Set draw distance for the horizon (terrain). When larger than a far clip, will show ‘shadows’ of terrain in the distance. |
horizonfarclip | Set draw distance for the terrain closest to you. |
hwDetect | Perform hardware detection for best values |
hwPCF | end-user control of scene optimization mode |
lod | Level of detail, toggles the level of detail option in the graphics menu |
M2BatchDoodads | Enable handling of Detail Doodads in batches (combine doodads to reduce batch count) |
M2BatchParticles | combine particle emitters to reduce batch count |
M2Faster | end user control of scene optimization mode |
M2FasterDebug | Enables developer dynamic control (programmer control of scene optimization mode) |
M2UseClipPlanes | use clip planes for sorting transparent objects |
M2UseThreads | multithread model animations |
M2UseZFill | Enabled Z Fill on transparent objects |
mapShadows | Toggle map shadows |
MaxFPS | Framerate Limitation |
maxFPSBk | Framerate Limitation while Wow isn’t in focus |
MaxLights | Maximum number of hardware lights |
nearclip | Clipping range for small detail doodads |
occlusion | Disables rendering of objects that are entirely blocked by other graphics |
particleDensity | Particle density |
pixelShaders | Enable pixel shaders |
playerTextureLevels | Deprecated and replaced by component TextureLevel |
PlayerFadeInRate | fade in rate for player mouseover |
PlayerFadeOutAlpha | min fade out alpha for player mouseover |
PlayerFadeOutRate | fade out rate for player mouseover |
shadowBias | Blob Shadow transparency levels |
shadowinstancing | Shadow optimization which prevents flickering |
shadowLevel | Level of detail for shadow mip maps |
shadowLOD | Enables or Disables Blob Shadows |
showfootprints | Enable footprints |
showsmartrects | Deprecated in WoW 3.0 |
SkyCloudLOD | Level of detail for Sky |
SmallCull | Affects the hiding (‘culling’) of small objects. Setting to 0 disables. |
specular | Enable specular shading |
spellEffectLevel | Spell Effect level |
SplineOpt | Loading Screen Spline for travel |
texLodBias | Texture Level of Detail Bias |
terrainMipLevel | Terrain texture blending mode. (1: low quality, 0: high quality) |
textureFilteringMode | Texture filtering mode |
textureCacheSize | Caches in memory textures when not used for quick loading. |
triangleStrips | Deprecated in WoW 3.0 |
UIFaster | UI acceleration level |
unitDrawDist | Unit draw distance |
unitHighlights | Toggle model highlighting on targeted units |
useWeatherShaders | Enable weather shaders |
violenceLevel | Changes the violence level of the game |
waterLOD | Level of Detail for water (Locked) |
windowResizeLock | Locks so the game can’t be resized while in windowed mode |
weatherDensity | Level of weather effects |
worldBaseMip | Environment texture quality (2: low, 1: medium, 0: high) |
World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth Cheat Code FAQ
Are there cheat codes in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth?
No, there are no cheat codes in Battle for Azeroth. However, there are plenty of console commands that can help you along your journey and make traveling in Kul Tiras and Zandalar much easier.