



Phantasy Star Online 2 Goes Alpha

Phantasy Star Online 2 Goes Alpha


After months with almost nothing to go on, SEGA is finally prepared to reveal the progress it’s made on the long-awaited true sequel to seminal online hit Phantasy Star Online. To that end, the title will be entering its alpha stage this August, exclusively in Japan.

For fans who don’t live in the island nation, this might be something of a disappointment, but the fact that the online RPG is entering its first publicly playable state is huge news. Even a closed alpha, such as this one, shows a marked degree of confidence in the progress the title’s development has made thus far. This could very well mean that, come September, SEGA will have something major to share with gamers at the Tokyo Game Show.

Participants in the closed alpha will be selected by a lottery, which will be open to those who purchased Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity, or by visiting PSO2’s website.

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