



Play Notch’s New Game Free Of Charge

Play Notch’s New Game Free Of Charge


Notch is a unique guy. As if creating Minecraft wasn’t enough to solidify his legend, the dude spent his weekend programming an entirely new game while broadcasting the entire process via streaming webcam.

Notch made Prelude to the Chambered as a part of the Ludum Dare competition, where participants are given 48 hours to create a game from scratch. He describes it as “an action based dungeon crawler with six levels, four boss fights, and plenty of secrets and loot. It takes about 20-30 minutes to beat the game, and if you die, you need to start over from the beginning.”

Essentially players must collect the tools they’ll need to attempt an escape from a Wolfenstein-looking prison. Players travel through caverns, crypts and meet up a variety of enemies along the way.

Obviously, the graphics aren’t going to win any awards, but this shouldn’t deter you from giving Chambered a fair shake. If you’ve ever played Minecraft, you know that gameplay and depth are Notch’s trademarks, not graphical refinement. Anyway, the graphics give the game a classical charm, and very few people can make a prison escape so adorable.

The Ludum Dare competition received 599 entries this year, so it might be a while before we hear how Prelude to the Chambered faired. In the mean time, Notch has uploaded a browser-based version of the game and is allowing people to play free-of-charge.

That Notch, he’s a sweetheart.

By Josh Engen

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