



Pokémon Black And White 2 Announced

Pokémon Black And White 2 Announced


Gamers who are waiting for the next colored installment of the Pokémon franchise may be a little surprised at this new piece of news that just dropped from Nintendo: The next Pokémon titles will be Pokémon Black and White 2.

Game Freak’s Junichi Masuda announced both of the titles this morning during Pokémon Smash, a Japanese Pokémon television show. They will be releasing on the DS, not the 3DS, so as to be accessible by a greater portion of the original Black and White’s fan base. Masuda said he would announce the names of the new legendary Pokémon, which appear to be evolved versions of the legendary dragons from Black and White, sometime soon.

Nintendo has opened up an official teaser site for the sequels, but it doesn’t include much information. From what has been revealed so far, we can speculate that the games will continue the story of the original Black and White, hopefully with recurring characters like N. However, even this has not yet been officially confirmed.

Pokémon Black and White 2 will be releasing in Japan sometime in June. The game has been confirmed for a North American release, though an official date for this has not yet been pinned down.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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