



PS4 Continues to Top Sales Charts in June

PS4 Continues to Top Sales Charts in June

The NPD group recently released its monthly sales report for the United States and we finally have a hard and fast answer on what console is winning the console wars. The answer is… the PS4. Yep, not a whole lot suprising there.

Microsoft recently announced that the sales of the Xbox One had doubled since they announced a $400 no Kinect model. Nintendo recently said that Wii U sales more than doubled since the release of Mario Kart 8 , along with the hype of the upcoming release of Super Smash Bros. However, despite both of these sales boosts, the PlayStation 4 is still the top selling system in the U.S.

The last time we heard official sales numbers for these consoles, the PS4 had sold 7 million units (as of April 6 th ), the Wii U had sold 6.17 million units (as of March 31 st ), and the Xbox One had sold 3 million units (as of December 31 st ). This puts the PS4 ahead of the pack and the Wii U quickly gaining on it. IS the Xbox One still in third place? Hopefully we will get more concrete numbers soon. Until then, all we know is that the PS4 is dominating U.S. sales.

Source: Gamespot

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