Ubisoft wants more people to play Rainbow Six Siege; Rainbow Six Siege players want more people to play Rainbow Six Siege. This is the best tactical shooter that I’ve ever played, and the entire community wants more people in on it. Seriously, matchmaking would go a lot more smoothly if you would just try the game out and see what you’ve been missing! To that end, Ubisoft has announced a free weekend, starting today at 3 PM PST, on until 9 PM Sunday.
If you own Rainbow Six Siege on the PC, you can get four referral codes to give out to your friends, who will have full access to the game until Sunday night. There are a couple of perks to this program that make it worth pursuing. For every one of your referral codes activated, you’ll receive a free, 24-hour renown booster. That’s a $5 value, so if four friends activate all of your codes, you’ll get $16 worth of boosters for free! On the flip side, those who play the game this weekend will be able to purchase it at a 25% discount, and all of their progress will carry over into the full version of the game. There really isn’t a downside here, so if you have any friends who you think are worthy squad-mates, shoot ‘em a code and reap the rewards.
Source: Press Release