



Rainbow Six Siege Has Many Microtransactions

Rainbow Six Siege Has Many Microtransactions

Ubisoft has already let people know Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege is going to have microtransactions. It’s no surprise, really. What is unexpected, however, is how many things people will be able to buy with hard earned, in-game cash or immediately with real money.

To start, the real cash funds in Rainbow Six Siege are called R6 Credits. The smallest number you can get is 600 for $4.99. You can also buy 1,200, 2,670, 4,920, or 7,560 R6 Credit bundles at a time, though the price for those wasn’t announced. Apparently, bonus credits are thrown in as more money is spent.

The in-game option is Renown, which is earned for every action you perform. However, you can also lose Renown for detrimental actions like killing your teammates. Ubisoft says about 1,000 Renown could be earned in an hour of continuous play, give or take.

Both Renown and R6 Credits can be used in Rainbow Six Siege to buy new characters and weapon skins, though only R6 Credits can buy premium weapon skins. As expected, Renown prices are far higher. A character, for example, will cost either 25,000 Renown or 600 R6 Credits.

At least Rainbow Six Siege will offer new modes and maps for free when it comes to the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC on December 1. The maps will arrive in four expansions, with each expansion including a map, two additional characters, and new weapons.

Source: GameSpot

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