



Silverlight Support Coming to Xbox 360

Silverlight Support Coming to Xbox 360


Microsoft’s Silverlight technology, a graphical framework that’s a direct competitor to Adobe Flash, will be supported by the Xbox 360 in the near future.

According to Sean Alexander, director of Microsoft’s Advertising Business Group, as picked up on by MediaPost, Silverlight will allow companies to create dynamic ads with streaming 1080p resolution and 5.1 Dolby Surround to engage the Microsoft console audience.

Best of all for these companies, marketing campaigns made on Silverlight can be brought to any compatible viewing screen without any quality loss or having to tweak the code to make it look acceptable on a distinct device.

Microsoft also mentioned that Netflix has been using Silverlight to improve their HD streaming capabilities and that Microsoft sees the use of streaming HD video to be the next great step in engaging, interactive advertising.

Hopefully some of the consumer burden (i.e. paying for a Gold LIVE membership) will be forgone in favor of the better ads, rather than just inundating users with a bunch of unwanted marketing; we’ll have to wait and see what happens.

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