



Skyrim DLC To Be More Expansive

Skyrim DLC To Be More Expansive


I think we can all agree that the DLC for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion was a little disappointing. A side quest or two here, some horse armor there, and maybe a relevant story point interspersed for good measure: this does not a good DLC plan make. However, it looks like Bethesda has heard your criticism and plans to radically change the way they handle DLC for Skyrim.

Instead of tiny, inexpensive chunks of DLC, they plan to release large expansion pack-like add-ons that will provide hours of new content. Of course, these will be more expensive, but if you are looking to pay for quality and quantity, the price increase shouldn’t bother you too much.

And hey, if I know Bethesda, I’m sure they’ll sneak in some kind of horse armor update somewhere. Obviously, it’s what the fans want.

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