



Someone Has Already Beaten No Man’s Sky

Someone Has Already Beaten No Man’s Sky

No Man’s Sky is just over a week away at this point. This is one of the most highly-anticipated games of 2016 by far, and a big part of that appeal is the supposed scale of the game. Because No Man’s Sky uses some clever procedural generation algorithms, players were expecting a literal galaxy-sized adventure. Many were hoping that their journey to the center of the galaxy would take months or years; at least several hundreds of hours.

If you haven’t heard, some jerk paid $1,300 to snag an early copy of No Man’s Sky off of eBay, and he posted quite a few gameplay videos. He’s also been very active on Reddit, where recently he revealed that he had already reached the center of the galaxy and beat the game after about 30 hours of gameplay. Obviously, this has completely wrecked the expectations of many who were hoping for a prolonged journey. The dude (“Daymeeuhn” on Reddit) said that he didn’t go straight to the center, either. He did take some time to explore random planets and do “A LOT of what the game has to offer.”

Apparently Daymeeuhn was able to find multiples of a certain in-game item that sells for a very high price. This enabled him to make some critical upgrades to his ship and travel at much greater speeds. He tells players to pray for a day-one patch that addresses the broken game economy. He reports several annoying bugs as well. Hopefully this doesn’t affect pre-orders and sales negatively.

Source: Polygon

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