



Sony Announces Puppeteer

Sony Announces Puppeteer


Puppeteer is an odd, whimsical game unveiled during Sony’s press conference at this year’s Gamescom. A side-scrolling platformer, it involves a boy-turned-puppet named Kutaro, who much take on the Moon Bear King with a pair of magical scissors from the tyrant’s castle with which he absconds. Seeing as the beast has eaten his head, he must triumph over him to claim it back.

The plot is framed as a puppet show (a puppet show about puppets, who’d have thought?), which allows the game to use puppet theatre trappings as it tells its story. The world is a stage, and the background moves around the player instead of the player directly traversing it, scrolling and resetting between the curtains as Kutaro adventures onward, seeking his head.

Bright and colorful, Puppeteer is one of the most charming things yet shown at Gamescom, and while there is no date as of yet, it already has me rife with anticipation.

By Shelby Reiches

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