



Sony to Focus on Global Efforts with Restructuring

Sony to Focus on Global Efforts with Restructuring

Sony is doing some major restructuring, with the goal of going into the future strong. They want to focus on the worldwide scale of their company, especially in the spheres of development and marketing. Many executives within Sony’s corporations are being moved around and given new job titles. Let’s take a look at how the cookie crumbles in detail.

Current deputy president of Sony Interactive Entertainment, Jim Ryan, will be in charge of global sales and marketing. Every sales and marketing department within Sony Interactive Entertainment America (SIEA), Europe (SIEE), and Japan Asia (SIEJA) will report to him. Ryan will specifically be overseeing the marketing and sales efforts in Europe, while John Kodera, the new SIE president and CEO, will directly control the Americas and Japan Asia. Kodera will be assisted by Atsushi Morita, SIEJA’s president. All of these executives and departments working together should equate out to a balanced and seamless marketing and sales effort across the globe.

Furthermore, Shawn Layden, SIEA president and Worldwide Studios [WWS] chairman, is going to be working directly with the development teams under Sony and WWS’ umbrellas. His and Sony’s goal is to bring even more great content to the PlayStation 4 in order to make the system the best it’s ever been as far as exclusives are concerned.

Some smaller changes over at Sony include Phil Rosenberg, Senior Vice President of business development/publisher and developer relations, becoming SIEA’s head of global publisher and developer relations. Also, Hideaki Nishino, SVP of product strategy and management/corporate strategy, is going to be the new head of platform planning and management at SIE.

All of this technical jargon has me spinning, but the gist of the matter is that Sony’s restructuring should hopefully bring about some big changes for the PlayStation console. Executives will hopefully be more narrowly focused on their new roles, and some Sony/PlayStation magic will happen.

Sources: Gamasutra & Siliconera

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