



Sony Unveils New PS3 Multimedia App

Sony Unveils New PS3 Multimedia App


At this point, the PS3 is far more of a home entertainment system than it is a video game console. You can rent or buy movies and TV shows from the PlayStation Store, and its media catalog is just about as big as its game catalog. So how will you sort through the many movies that the PSN store app allows you to choose from? With another app, of course!

Sony just unveiled “Video Unlimited – preview” a new app for the PS3 that organizes PSN store media content in an easy-to-view fashion. It will keep you updated on new releases, recommend movies and shows according to your tastes, and will act as a one-stop shop for all your media needs.

Selecting a show or movie will let you see a description, along with the pricing for the standard and high definition versions. You will also be able to see other shows you might like, or browse entire categories related to the shows you have watched before. It’s like Netflix, except you have to pay for each individual thing you watch.

PlayStation Plus subscribers should already have this app, while regular users will have to wait a few weeks before it comes their way. So if your PS3 is the device you use to watch a majority of your TV shows and movies, you’ll probably want to check this out.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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