



Star Wars Characters Tease for Disney Infinity

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Star Wars Characters Tease for Disney Infinity

It appears as if Star Wars characters will be coming to Disney Infinity , if we make a tiny speculative leap. In an interview with Newsarama, Avalanche Software CEO John Blackburn and Disney Infinite executive producer John Vignocchi talked about upcoming characters saying “My favorite character is one that has not yet been announced. It’s a female character. A Disney character. And we will not tell retail who it is for a very long time in order to keep it a secret!” This prompted Blackburn to say, “I like your other tease better: ‘We can talk about the future, but that’s far, far away.'” In response, Vignocchi said, “2015 is not so far, far away anymore, is it?”

Get it? Far far away? As in, a galaxy far far away? Star Wars ?

Disney Infinity has already introduced Marvel characters as part of their collectible action figure game. Star Wars figures were theorized for a long time, but this is the first time we are hearing anything come from Disney itself.

Source: Gamespot Newsarama

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