Swords could cross in the future! Daisy Ridley might not be just one iconic heroine, but could step into the shoes of another. Right now, we know Ridley as Rey, Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ heroine. But, if all goes well, she could also be Tomb Raider’ s Lara Croft.
GK Films and Crystal Dynamics have been talking about a new series of Tomb Raider movies since 2011, a few years before the 2013 reboot. These talks have started to include Ridley. While there’s no script for the movie or anything definite yet, she’s apparently talking to people about making this happen.
She’d be a good fit, when you think about it. Ridley’s proved she can help carry an action movie with Star Wars: The Force Unleashed . Also, she looks like Lara from both Tomb Raider and Rise of the Tomb Raider, and unlike certain other Lara Crofts, she can speak with a British accent. Let’s hope this goes from hypothetical ponderings to reality!
Source: The Hollywood Reporter