



Steam Grows Year After Year

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

Steam Grows Year After Year


Steam is your premier digital distribution platform, world, and Valve is excited to report that you’re the reason it keeps growing. For the seventh year in a row, Steam sales are up by over 100 percent. This probably has something to do with the 40 million account holders, and a year in which the service crossed the five-million-concurrent-user threshold.

For a sense of scale, users worldwide downloaded over 780 petabytes of data over the course of 2011. A single petabyte is 1000 terabytes, while a terabyte is 1000 gigabytes. Your PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 probably has somewhere between 120 and 320 gigabytes of space on its hard drive. That is a staggering amount of data.

Looking to the new year, Gabe Newell has promised to continue Steam’s metamorphosis, such that it keeps up with the needs of the two groups that depends on it: customers and developers. To that end, he has announced the launch of the “Big Picture UI” mode, designed for larger screens. The service will also bring in more free-to-play games.

By Shelby Reiches

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