



Verizon Feels We Owe Them More Money For Gaming

Verizon Feels We Owe Them More Money For Gaming

Verizon, who has one of the highest priced data plans for cell service in the country, feels that us dastardly gamers are ripping them off!

Those of you with your smartphones burning up sites like YouTube or busting sweets in Candy Crush , better put them back in your pockets, as CEO Lowell McAdam admitted that charging one price for data services for everyone probably isn’t going to last much longer. “It’s only natural that the heavy users help contribute to the investment to keep the Web healthy. That is the most important concept of net neutrality.” He said on a recent conference call.

While I’d love to see the government slip an extra road tax into Mr. McAdam’s paycheck (due to the fact that he no-doubt puts more wear and tear on the streets compared to those in town that take public transportation), I’m not so short sighted. In this journalist’s mind, Verizon should realize that an uneven pricing system would do nothing but alienate its users and drive them to their competitors.

McAdam, however, stands firm in his belief that Verizon customers will just fall in line. “We make our money by carrying traffic. That’s how we make dollars. So to view that we’re going to be advantaging one over the other really is a lot of histrionics…” He feels.

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