



SW:TOR Final Testing Weekend Is Underway

SW:TOR Final Testing Weekend Is Underway


BioWare and LucasArts are finally preparing to put a bow on the final release of Star Wars: The Old Republic. But before they can slap a price tag on the box, they need to run it through the ringer first.

According to Stephen Reid, the Senior Community Manager for The Old Republic, anyone who’s been selected to participate in the upcoming testing weekend should be receiving a schedule very shortly.

On Wednesday, Reid tweeted “Emails with #SWTOR weekend test timing are sending over next 12 hours or so. Invites are for Friday or Saturday, 10am CST.” So if you haven’t already received your invite, you’re probably not going to be spending the weekend locked in your bedroom using the Force.

Unless you own one of the other Star Wars games.

The Old Republic is slated for release on December 20 and unless the testers run into some major issues, it’s probably safe to assume that LucasArts and BioWare are right on schedule.

By Josh Engen

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