



Syphon Filter Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for PlayStation (PSX)

Syphon Filter Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for PlayStation (PSX)

Syphon Filter

Mission select

Pause the game, choose the “Options” selection, highlight the “Select mission” option, then hold Left + R1 + L1 + Select + Square + X (simultaneously). For the PAL version of the game, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Square + Circle + X. -From: [email protected]

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All weapons and infinite ammunition

Pause the game, highlight the “Weapons” option, then hold Right + L2 + R2 + Circle + Square + X (simultaneously). Note: Only the weapons normally available during the current level will become selectable. For the PAL version of the game, hold Select + L1 + L2 + R2 + Circle + X. -From: [email protected]

Super ammunition for the Silenced 9mm (North American version)

Pause the game, highlight the “Silenced 9mm” under the “Weapons” option, then hold Left + L1 + R2 + Select + Square + X (simultaneously). If you entered the code correctly, Gabe will say “Understood”.

Expert mode

At the title screen, hold Left + L1 + R2 + Select + Square + Circle + X (simultaneously). If you entered the code correctly, the phrase “Damn it” will be spoken. For the PAL version of the game, hold L1 + L2 + R2 + Square + Circle + X. -From: [email protected]

Weak enemies

Pause the game, highlight the “Map” option, then hold Right + L2 + R1 + X (simultaneously). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a laugh. For the PAL version of the game, hold Right + L1 + R1 + R2 + Circle + X. -From: [email protected]

View FMV sequences

Locate the area in level 1 where your character goes through a window to get to an elevator. Go straight and jump over the boxes. There are pictures on the wall that resemble doors. Approach the middle picture where the Flak Jacket is located. Then, pause the game and enable the “Weak enemies” code. The game will resume in a movie theatre. Walk into the entrances to the theatre (the curtains) to watch the FMV sequences. Press X to advance to the next FMV sequence or press Start to exit. For the PAL version of the game, hold L2 + R2 + Select + Square + X. -From: [email protected]

[lasso rel="amzn-meta-quest-3-128gb-breakthrough-mixed-reality-powerful-performance-asgards-wrath-2-bundle" id="175390"]


    Survive burning

    After catching on fire, quickly press Start, then press Start again. You will be hurt, but still alive.

    X-ray vision

    The virus scanner may be used to look through the walls to find enemies.

    Grenade launcher in level 1

    Go out the window in the bar into the back alley. Look up to see two fire escapes. Climb onto the dumpster and get onto the fire escape opposite the bar first, then jump up to the pipes and go hand over hand to the other fire escape. Be careful, because two terrorists will run out to shoot half way across the pipe. After taking care of them, drop down onto the fire escape and open the box for the grenade launcher. This makes the grenade thrower in the subway section much easier to handle.

    Getting through the subway

    Go to the opposite end of the subway after it explodes. Use the flashlight on the left of the tracks to find the C-4. Get the C-4, then go to the right hand side. Look up to see the upper level. Press Triangle to climb onto the red crate. Press Triangle to keep climbing up through the debris until the top is reached. This is the only way to exit the lower level.

    Museum gates

    Find the card keys to get through the gates in the museum. Check all the guards and people that are killed; they usually carry card keys. For the gate in the Rocket Room, shoot the control panel on the third level that keeps sparking while your character is standing on the elevator to reach to that level. The man with the card key is up there.

    Defeating Rhoemer

    The only way to defeat Rhoemer (the final boss) is with Gas grenades, which can be found in the upper right room of the last level. -From: [email protected]

Game Shark Codes

Infinite Armor Everyone [Note] 80068BEE 2400
Infinite Ammo on Pick-Up 800467C6 2400
Infinite Timer All Levels 80116690 FFFF
Unlock All Levels 801462AA 0B14
Immune to Most Bullets 80068974 0000
80068976 2401
80068B94 0016
80068B96 1420
Immune to Most Explosions/Fire 80069FB0 FFFF
80069FB2 2401
80069FD0 0008
80069FD2 1029
Mostly Weapons & 13th Item Modifier 80115FB8 00??
80115FBC 6FFF
80115FBE 0020
Mostly Weapons Modifier 80115FB8 0001
80115FBC ????
80115FBE 0020
Mostly Items Modifier 80115FB8 0001
80115FBC 6002
80115FBE 0???
Level Codes
Georgia Street
Infinite Armor 801A8BDA 0258
Infinite Health 801A8BDC 0096
Destroyed Subway
Infinite Armor 801A2EE2 0258
Infinite Health 801A2EE4 0096
Main Subway Line
Infinite Armor 801C6CCA 0258
Infinite Health 801C6CCC 0096
Washington Park
Infinite Armor 801AA442 0258
Infinite Health 801AA444 0096
Freedom Memorial
Infinite Armor 801C0496 0258
Infinite Health 801C0498 0096
Expo Center Reception
Infinite Armor 801AC26E 0258
Infinite Health 801AC270 0096
Expo Center Dinorama
Infinite Armor 801A9ABA 0258
Infinite Health 801A9ABC 0096
Rhoemer’s Base
Infinite Armor 801A9292 0258
Infinite Health 801A9294 0096
Base Bunker
Infinite Armor 801B381E 0258
Infinite Health 801B3820 0096
Base Tower
Infinite Armor 801C5A5A 0258
Infinite Health 801C5A5C 0096
Base Escape
Infinite Armor 801AE44E 0258
Infinite Health 801AE450 0096
Rhoemer’s Stronghold
Infinite Armor 801AD592 0258
Infinite Health 801AD594 0096
Stronghold Lower Level
Infinite Armor 801AB066 0258
Infinite Health 801AB068 0096
Stronghold Catacombs
Infinite Armor 801ACE96 0258
Infinite Health 801ACE98 0096
PHARCOM Warehouses
Infinite Armor 801AACF2 0258
Infinite Health 801AACF4 0096
PHARCOM Elite Guards
Infinite Armor 801A4566 0258
Infinite Health 801A4568 0096
Warehouse 76
Infinite Armor 801B725E 0258
Infinite Health 801B7260 0096
Silo Access Tunnels
Infinite Armor 801A2092 0258
Infinite Health 801A2094 0096
Tunnel Blackout
Infinite Armor 801B0A62 0258
Infinite Health 801B0A64 0096
Missile Silo
Infinite Armor 801AD5D2 0258
Infinite Health 801AD5D4 0096
Stop Countdown Timer 80116BAC 008A
Weapon Codes
Maxed Ammo Reload Silenced 9mm 8012F0B4 03E7
Infinite Ammo Silenced 9mm 8012F0B6 0063
Maxed Ammo Reload .45 8012F0C0 03E7
Infinite Ammo .45 8012F0C2 0063
Maxed Ammo Reload G-18 8012F0C4 03E7
Infinite Ammo G-18 8012F0C6 0063
Maxed Ammo Reload Combat Shotgun 8012F0C8 03E7
Infinite Ammo Combat Shotgun 8012F0CA 0063
Maxed Ammo Reload Shotgun 8012F0CC 03E7
Infinite Ammo Shotgun 8012F0CE 0063
Maxed Ammo Reload PK-102 8012F0D0 03E7
Infinite Ammo PK-102 8012F0D2 0063
Maxed Ammo Reload M-16 8012F0D4 03E7
Infinite Ammo M-16 8012F0D6 0063
Maxed Ammo Reload EIZ-2 8012F0D8 03E7
Infinite Ammo EIZ-2 8012F0DA 0063
Maxed Ammo Reload HK-5 8012F0DC 03E7
Infinite Ammo HK-5 8012F0DE 0063
Maxed Ammo Reload NightVision Rifle 8012F0E0 03E7
Infinite Ammo NightVision Rifle 8012F0E2 0063
Maxed Ammo Reload Sniper Rifle 8012F0E4 03E7
Infinite Ammo Sniper Rifle 8012F0E6 0063
Maxed Ammo Reload M-79 8012F0F0 03E7
Infinite Ammo M-79 8012F0F2 0063
Maxed Ammo Reload K3G4 8012F0F4 03E7
Infinite Ammo K3G4 8012F0F6 0063
Maxed Ammo Reload Grenade 8012F0FC 03E7
Infinite Ammo Grenade 8012F0FE 0063
Maxed Ammo Reload Gas Grenade 8012F100 03E7
Infinite Ammo Gas Grenade 8012F102 0063
Quantity Digits to Accompany Mostly Weapons & 13th Item Modifier Code
04 – .45
05 – G-18
06 – Combat Shotgun
07 – Shotgun
08 – PK-102
09 – M-16
0A – EIZ-2
0B – HK-5
0C – NightVision Rifle
10 – M-79
11 – K3G4
12 – Viral Scanner
13 – Grenade
14 – Gas Grenade
17 – Card Key
18 – C4 Explosives
19 – Antigen
Quantity Digits to Accompany Mostly Weapons Modifier Code
607F – .45 + Combat Shotgun + G-18
60FF – .45 + Combat Shotgun + G-18 + Shotgun
61FF – .45 + Combat Shotgun + G-18 + Shotgun + PK-102
63FF – .45 + Combat Shotgun + G-18 + Shotgun + PK-102 + M-16
67FF – .45 + Combat Shotgun + G-18 + Shotgun + PK-102 + M-16 + EIZ-2
6FFF – .45 + Combat Shotgun + G-18 + Shotgun + PK-102 + M-16 + EIZ-2 + HK-5
7FFF – .45 + Combat Shotgun + G-18 + Shotgun + PK-102 + M-16 + EIZ-2 + HK-5 + NightVision Rifle
Quantity Digits to Accompany Mostly Items Modifier Code
05 – Viral Scanner + M-79
08 – Viral Scanner + M-79 + K3G4
0F – Viral Scanner + M-79 + K3G4 + Grenade
1F – Viral Scanner + M-79 + K3G4 + Grenade + Gas Grenade
3F – Viral Scanner + M-79 + K3G4 + Grenade + Gas Grenade + FlashLight
BF – Viral Scanner + M-79 + K3G4 + Grenade + Gas Grenade + FlashLight + Cardkey
1BF – Viral Scanner + M-79 + K3G4 + Grenade + Gas Grenade + FlashLight + Cardkey + C4 Explosives
3BF – Viral Scanner + M-79 + K3G4 + Grenade + Gas Grenade + FlashLight + Cardkey + C4 Explosives + Antigen

Note: This code also gives enemies infinite armor. So the only way to kill an enemy or to be killed is by a shot in the head or an explosion.

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