Telltale Games, the makers of the new Jurassic Park video game, brought a Jurassic Park replica Jeep to Penny Arcade Expo this year. As cool as this Jeep was, it was kind of damaged, but they still showed it off at the con and everyone had a great time. And then scandal erupted., the site that Telltale got the Jeep from, said that Telltale screwed up their Jeep and is refusing to pay for the damages. Telltale, on the other hand, said that the damages were not their fault.
Frankly, I have a hard time believing that Telltale games would wreck and jeep and just not pay for the damages. Anyone cool enough to resurrect Monkey Island can’t be all that bad. By Angelo M. D’Argenio |
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Square Enix.