



The Black Keys’ Debut New Single In NFS: The Run

The Black Keys’ Debut New Single In NFS: The Run


I’m a big supporter of the notion of “games as art.” As games become a more respectable artistic medium, more respectable artists will feel comfortable working on games. We have already heard people like Patrick Stewart and Liam Neeson do video game voice acting, and seen the talents of James Cameron and Guillermo del Toro attached to video games as well. That’s doesn’t even take into consideration the fact that the number of popular digital artists in the gaming world is almost too high to count.

Popular musicians are lending their talent to the industry these days as well. In fact, the Black Keys have decided to debut their brand new single “Lonely Boy” in Need for Speed: The Run. So November 15th, the release day for the game, will be the first opportunity anyone has to hear the single in its entirety. (About a minute of it has already been featured in the most recent trailer for the game.)

Need for Speed: The Run has been long awaited by racing fans. Running on DICE’s Frostbite 2 engine, the game promises to offer a whole different speed of breakneck racing for acceleration junkies out there. Now, with The Black Keys supporting the game with their tunes, you have all you need to get your adrenaline pumping.

It’s another good win for the “games as art” crowd. Then again, with some of the music we hear today, we might have to start re-defending “music as art.” But that’s another story for another time.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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