



The DS Holla’Gram*

The DS Holla’Gram*

Nintendo has done it again. Not content with bringing 3D to handheld enthusiasts, Nintendo lets you unleash 3D on an unsuspecting world with The DS Holla’Gram, the world’s first handheld holographic projection system.

The DS Holla’Gram brings realistic 3D images to life. The holograms are so realistic even experts can’t discern between them and real life. Imagine astounding your friends, family, and co-workers with huge creepy insects crawling on walls, miniature ghosts and goblins floating around the room, or riches of diamonds and gold doubloons piled on the floor. Then take secret delight when they instantly vanish from view when someone tries to touch it or make someone else aware of it.

You’ll not only drive people crazy with The DS Holla’Gram, but you’ll make them look crazy as well.

It’s more than a game. Plenty of skill is required to successfully operate The DS Holla’Gram. It requires a cooperative effort with two players and two handheld units. Each unit projects a different beam of coded laser photons. The two beams must intersect at specific angles to create the hologram effect. The reflections and refractions of the combined laser codes produce a light-based 3D replica of a solid object to the viewer. Thanks to the incredibly advanced technology of The DS Holla’Gram—and the skills of the operators—that object can also be animated.

The two operators must maintain proper angles, distances, and discreetness to properly pull off the effect. The greater the skills, the greater the impact of the effect. Virtually any object can be brought to life with the photo-capture feature. Hologram images are limited to a dimension of less than a square foot. Larger images, such as human beings, elephants, automobiles, and buildings, will have to be compressed. But keep in mind the proximity effect makes it easy to fool people into seeing things that appear to be in the distance. By aiming the hologram a few inches from a subject, it’s possible to make an eight-inch Godzilla look like an eighty-foot monster.

The DS Holla’Gram will have many, many uses beyond mere practical jokes, such as educational and health and safety applications. But like you, we’re only interested in the gag potential.

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