



The Gates Of Hell Reopen Tomorrow

The Gates Of Hell Reopen Tomorrow


Did you get your Hellgate Global closed beta code? If so, your passage through the Hellgates begins tomorrow at 7:30pm EDT, when the beta goes live. Players will be able to journey through Hellgate Global’s terror-stricken post-apocalypsia until June 5—that’s a full weekend of demon-slaying adventure.

Hellgate: London was originally launched in 2007 by Flagship Studios—the studio headed up by Bill Roper, former vice-president of Diablo-developer Blizzard North—with both a complete single-player experience and a parallel online component with an optional subscription service. The title’s online component survived the bankruptcy of Flagship in 2008, held aloft by Namco Bandai Games until January 31, 2009 when the servers were taken down in the US and EU.

In 2010, however, HanbitSoft, a South Korean publisher/developer, acquired the rights to Hellgate and announced plans to bring a Hellgate title back online in the West. These plans are just now coming to fruition with the closed beta of Hellgate Global as a free-to-play online RPG.

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