



The Old Republic Welcomes The Masses

The Old Republic Welcomes The Masses


Though it isn’t common practice these days, it’s nice when a new MMO launches alongside a free trial period. It lets gamers who are on the fence about these titles, each of them tremendous time investments, get a feel for the way it actually plays firsthand, and decide whether or not they wish to take the plunge. Though Star Wars: The Old Republic did not have such a period at launch, it appears that BioWare is willing to make the change now.

At least for a weekend.

From Thursday, March 15 at 12:01AM CDT to Monday, March 19, at 2:00AM CDT, The Old Republic will be having a free weekend, which will allow many of those who have yet to play the popular MMO the opportunity to do just that. The Weekend Pass page, though, states that spaces are limited, apparently being given out on a first come, first serve basis, meaning that only those who rush to download the client when it goes up, on March 15, will be able to take advantage of The Old Republic opening its pay-wall.

By Shelby Reiches

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