



The Walking Dead Launches Tomorrow On PSN

The Walking Dead Launches Tomorrow On PSN


Tomorrow, the latest episodic adventure game from Telltale Games begins on PSN.

Based off of Robert Kirkman’s Eisner award-winning comic, The Walking Dead game will put you in control of Lee Everett, a man who has been sentenced to life in prison for killing a man who was sleeping with his wife. The exact details of the murder are unknown and will be revealed as you go through the game’s five episodes. The game takes place in the world of the comics, not the TV show, and starts only a few days after the zombie apocalypse happened. It will largely focus on how people are adjusting to their new post-apocalyptic world.

You can purchase the first episode for five dollars on the PSN tomorrow, or pre-purchase all five episodes as a twenty-dollar bundle pack. Purchasing the bundle pack gets you a brand new Walking Dead premium theme.

Be on the lookout for our full review.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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