



Titanfall 2 Deluxe Edition on Sale for $20 on PS4/Xbox One

Titanfall 2 Deluxe Edition on Sale for $20 on PS4/Xbox One

Let’s put aside our arguments against GameStop for a moment. Sure they sell way more other junk than games nowadays, yes they aren’t very good at checking used game copies for things we’d never give our children. But sometimes, just some times they also have good deals on real video games.

Most recently GameStop is holding a sale on the Titanfall 2 Deluxe Edition. The game usually markets for $40 but GameStop has it available for $20 right now on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. In buying the Deluxe Edition of Titanfall 2 you’ll get tons of extra stuff and the future content for the game is usually a free download. So there’s really nothing to lose right now.

At the least the multiplayer for the game is a ton of fun. I greatly enjoyed myself when I checked it out at E3 last year, and a bunch of new stuff has been added to Titanfall 2 since then.

For PC gamers, Titanfall 2 is still $30. Hopefully a sale of some kind will be available for the PC version of the game as well seeing as how the console edition is so cheap right now.

Who’s going to pick up a copy?

Source: Destructoid

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