



Top Ten Ultra-Violent Video Games of 2005

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

Top Ten Ultra-Violent Video Games of 2005


Family Media Guide has published a list of the Top Ten Most Violent Video Games published this year based on information supplied by PSVratings. PSVratings use a proprietary audit process to capture and document instances of profanity, sex, violence, and substance abuse using a database-driven technology using about 4000 rules and algorithms governing millions of potential rule combinations. The data is then analyzed to generate an objective rating. Okay, we know it is complicated, but here is the list they came up with in no particular order:

-Resident Evil 4

-Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

-God of War


-Killer 7

-The Warriors

-50 Cent Bulletproof

-Crime Life: Gang Wars

-Condemned: Criminal Origins

-True Crime: New York City

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