



Tricks and Treats: The Lighter Side of April Fool’s Day

Tricks and Treats: The Lighter Side of April Fool’s Day

There are two kinds of April Fool’s Day pranks: the kind that make you freak out and reevaluate your entire life (like turning over a salt shaker to find the top has been unscrewed), and the kind made in good humor that are just meant to make you laugh (like unscrewing the top of a salt shaker). Today we’ve seen a little bit of both from our industry’s most celebrated creatives, but the best jests of the day were clearly only that. Here’s a quick look at some of the funniest pranks pulled throughout the day.

Blizzard wasn’t afraid to poke a bit of fun at all of the Hearthstone bandwagoners by announcing a Hearthstone MMO , also known as World of Warcraft. CD Projekt RED revealed some riveting new DLC content for The Witcher 3 starring the most underrated character in the game: Roach the horse. I am a bit disappointed that we can’t actually buy this Dark Souls III movie on VHS, and seriously disappointed that I can’t actually order a Chocobo instead of an Uber. All in all, I’d say this was a pretty successful and relatively harmlless April Fool’s Day. It’s great to see some of our favorite studios put so much effort into their spoofs.

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