



Tropes Vs. Women Episode 2 Aggressively Flagged On YouTube

Tropes Vs. Women Episode 2 Aggressively Flagged On YouTube

When it comes to her quest to bring increased attention to gender-centric issues in gaming, Anita Sarkeesian has had a rocky road. Her original efforts to fund Tropes vs. Women, though successful, were beset on all sides by violently misogynistic trolls. The venom leveled at her would make a weaker person cave.

But Tropes vs. Women exists and, after what I felt was a very well-made first episode (focused on the Damsel in Distress trope’s history), it went on a months long hiatus before the second episode, which has just been released.

Soon after it popped up on YouTube, though, the video went down, having been flagged as “offensive.” Whether this is related to the movement that initially targeted Sarkeesian when she first began her project, or an innocent foible on the part of YouTube, is not known, but it certainly smells like the former.

In either case, the video is back up now, and you should definitely watch it. This one explores the Damsel in Distress trope in the modern age of gaming.

Source: Gamesindustry

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