



Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Bulks Up Roster

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Bulks Up Roster


Capcom has always been known for rereleasing updated entries of their fighting games with new characters and balance tweaks. The Vs. series, though, had always been free of this practice.

Until now.

Today, Capcom has announced Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3. It will be a $40 rerelease of Marvel vs. Capcom 3 a la Super Street Fighter IV, loaded with twelve brand new characters and, it promises, new modes and balance changes in addition to eight new stages. Of the new characters, four are confirmed: Strider Hiryu and Firebrand on the Capcom side, Ghost Rider and Hawkeye for the Marvel team.

Images discovered on the Capcom website, however, have caused rumors that the other eight could be Vergil, Frank West, Phoenix Wright, and Nemesis on Team Capcom; with Marvel’s entries being Dr. Strange, Nova, Rocket Raccoon, and Iron Fist.

Capcom has had a rough track record over the past few months. Ridiculous DRM in SSFIV:AE on the PC, single-slot save in Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D, and yesterday’s cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3 have not made the company many new friends. Will UMvC3 entice gamers to forgive them, or will this just drive a deeper wedge into the fracturing relationship between Capcom and its fans? We’ll find out in November when the game comes out.

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