



Uncharted 3 Adds Co-Op Survival Mode Next Week

Uncharted 3 Adds Co-Op Survival Mode Next Week


Uncharted 3 fans will finally be able to get their hands on the fabled Shade Survival Mode next week when Naughty Dog rolls out their latest DLC package.

This co-op survival mode pits Nathan Drake against an eight-round onslaught of Djinn, flaming zombie-like creatures that stem from Persian mythology.

“The Djinn haunt this mode as you and your friends will be assaulted by wave after wave of progressively more demanding opponents. There are eight rounds in total,” said Eric Monacelli on the PlayStation Blog. “The Djinn’s ability to catch fire and teleport poses a formidable challenge to team strategy and coordination, and later rounds include highly skilled Djinn sporting extra armor and firepower, so get ready for a hearty battle.”

If you’re already a member of the Uncharted Fortune Hunters’ Club, Shade Survival Mode will be yours with no extra pressure on your pocket book. But for those of you who haven’t dropped the $24.99 that it takes to get into the Club, the upcoming DLC pack will cost only $5.99 on PSN.

So, talk to your employer about taking March 13th off. Wait, who am I kidding? None of you people have jobs; there’s too much Uncharted to play.

By Josh Engen

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