



Uncharted 3 Gets Season Pass

Uncharted 3 Gets Season Pass


Earlier this month, we reported that Uncharted 3 was gating its online features behind an Online Pass. Now, Naughty Dog has announced a different type of pass that the game is getting. For $25, you can get yourself an Uncharted 3 season pass and say “I’m in it for the long haul,” effectively nabbing you all the planned DLC at this point.

Now, Naughty Dog has said there won’t be any DLC for the single-player campaign, but they are serious about making this game compete with the big boys like Modern Warfare 3. As such, they have planned no fewer than seven DLC packs for the multiplayer mode. It is these seven packs that you will get for joining the Fortune Hunter’s Club with a season pass.

The packs are three cosmetic skin packs and four multiplayer map packs. As of now, there is no word on what will be inside the packs, but we do know that the first release will come in November, only a short time after the game releases. The rest of them will be spread out over the course of the game’s lifetime.

This pack doesn’t guarantee you all the DLC, just the first seven. But hey, that’s a pretty good start.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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