A funny thing happened the other day. You’d think a developer would know its own game, but apparently not. The most recent Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End trailer, released February 24, had concept art from Assassin’s Creed 4 in it. Naturally, someone who’d worked on Assassin’s Creed, Ubisoft’s Azaïzia Aymar, caught it. Now, Naughty Dog has issued a response.
Naughty Dog issued an official apology. Apparently, it didn’t do its research on art that was sourced for an in-game painting, which is how concept art from Assassin’s Creed 4 temporarily made it into Uncharted 4 . Everything has been fixed, a new trailer has been released, and the image will be removed from the final game.
Here’s the new Uncharted 4 trailer.
All’s well that ends well. At least the error was caught before Uncharted 4 was released! It’ll be out on the PlayStation 4 on April 26. But hey, maybe art theft is how the thief met his end.
Source: Naughty Dog