



Unexpected Games Developers Play

Unexpected Games Developers Play


Ever wonder what developers spend their free time playing? At this year’s DICE summit, a few of the industry’s top developers revealed what games have caught their interest.

Dr. Greg Zeschuk from BioWare has been hooked on social games like CityVille and FrontierVille. “I play them all to see what’s new. Normally what I do is grab one of our senior designers and pull them in and go ‘This is the future of gaming!’ Not in its essence, but what it represents.”

Dr. Ray Muzyka, also from BioWare, is a fan of Red Dead Redemption. “I was surprised how much I loved it,” he says. “I finished it, and I did all the endings and all the extra content. Even the mini-games, I mean you could play those for hours. The story itself is great, and there’s a lot to learn there about how they brought the story to life. I think that’s an example of how even in this time of change, there’s a chance for larger teams and larger studios to do something that is just magnificent and craft something that just draws you in and demonstrates that video games really are an art form.”

Mike Morhaime from Blizzard says, “I’m sorry to have to choose this one, but Words With Friends is what I spend the most time playing on my iPhone. I play with friends who live out of town that I don’t get to talk to very much, and now with have this daily interaction and competition.”

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