



Valve Addresses Steam Machine Concerns

Valve Addresses Steam Machine Concerns

Recently, a small update to the Steam Store sparked widespread discussions about the state of the Steam Machine . The Steam Machine section was removed from Steam’s main navigation bar, prompting scores of headlines about the brand being “delisted.” A Valve representative has since responded to the narrative, insisting that Steam Machines aren’t dead just yet.

The representative insists that the removal of Steam Machines from the bar was an adjustment made due to user traffic and does admit that the devices aren’t “flying off the shelves.” However, they also insist that Valve is still pursuing the idea of Linux-based gaming hardware, and that the company is still investing “significant resources” into the Vulkan ecosystem.

In sum, Valve is still figuring things out and learning about Linux, SteamOS is still a thing that Valve is working on and pushing, and Valve still thinks Linux gaming has big long-term prospects for gamers and developers. There are some things in the works, but aren’t ready for announcement yet.

Source: Steam Community

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