Sega and PlatinumGames have been the kings of the teases lately. They teased us with Bayonetta, and very soon after released it on PCs everywhere. Not long after that, they gave us just a little hint that Vanquish might be seeing the light of day again in a new way. Today that rumor has been confirmed.
Via press release, Sega confirmed that PlatinumGames’ Vanquish will be coming to PCs through Steam. The game has gotten the HD conversion treatment and should be even bigger and better when it releases on May 25. There’s an unlocked framerate, 4K support, and all sorts of other graphics options.
There is a pre-order special happening for Vanquish on Steam. If you order the game ahead of time you’ll get the Digital Deluxe Edition which comes with a five track sample of the soundtrack, avatars for both the characters and enemies, an art book, and some exclusive wallpapers. If you already own Bayonetta on Steam or buy it before you pre-order Vanquish , you’ll automatically get 25% off the purchase price. Pretty sweet huh? If you don’t order the game before the May 25 release date you will be buying the Standard Edition. The Digital Deluxe Edition is only available before Vanquish ‘s official release date.
Source: Press Release